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How To Destroy ‘Eyes of Prejudices’ and Reach The Highest Peak of Human Beauty?

“No one can solve the most serious beauty and discrimination problems if living WITHOUT 7 Beauty Commandments of God!

No country in this world can solve the discrimination problems to the every roots, keep and protect its WIN if the country and its People don't follow and apply 7 Vital Things of God”


~Khuong Dat Long~

Whatever Will Be, Will Be


Continuously, my following affirmation18 becomes Truth.


“If You do nothing, the longer time passes, the worse the problems and consequences will become. Therefore, Solving the problems will become more complicated and You’ll certainly have to pay a heavier price!”


People are now seeing and aware of that deeply. If people, the government and the president of the United States do (want to) ignore or try to forget the above Truth, people will have to witness consequences that will be worse than ones happening in Charlottesville, Virginia (called Charlottesville rally19) from August 11–12, 2017.




(The August 11–12 rally was organized to protest the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue)




It Came True: The ‘Price’ That The “Good” Has Had To Pay (The 6th Proof)


On 20 January 2018 (The First Event of God Anxiom’s Day), I published the First Release of the ebook “God’s 7 Beauty commandments: The Ultimate Power”20 and in that ebook I asked readers and wrote this question on the page 35:


Is it time for the’good’ to pay the ‘price’ as I strongly affirmed before?


I also wrote: “The above question will be answered by the ‘good’ in the near future.”

At that time, I mentioned the first answer and said “everyone can see that exact answer from one of the biggest companies in the world: Google.”21 


Go back to past, in December 2016, I had contacted many people and huge companies (especially in the U.S and Google was one of them) and had suggested they use their voice, their tool(s) to make people “know how to deal with the problems and live strongly, happily” (an extract from my original email sent to them) before I wrote the following affirmation in January 2017:


Before the bad has to pay for their cruel actions, there will be a lot of good and innocent people who will have to suffer the consequences heavily from people’s silence, neglect. It’ll be a heavier price they who knew how and what to do but do nothing will have to pay.



What was their response to my suggestion?

The world and real life started to show the Truth and proved my words, affirmation true and correct.



The Sixth Proof


In Vietnam where I am living and working, I realized and saw my affirmation become true when reading world news:

Ø “More companies are pulling advertising from YouTube over Google’s inability to ensure ads won’t appear next to hateful and offensive content.”22 and “AT&T and Verizon today joined a growing list of companies in both the US and Europe that are pulling advertising from YouTube and millions of Google-partnered websites. The reasoning stems from the potential for big-name brands’ ads to appear next to videos and other content containing hate speech, including white nationalist, sexist, and homophobic content and videos and sites created by and designed for the purpose of promoting terrorism.”23 

Ø “In terms of its public image, 2017 was also the worst year YouTube has ever had. It began with the downfall of the platform’s biggest star, PewDiePie. After a Wall Street Journal report about his use of Nazi imagery and anti-semitic humor, the Swedish vlogger lost his deal with Disney and YouTube canceled his original series. Just one month later, big brands threatened a full scale boycott of YouTube after learning that heir advertising was being played alongside racist and offensive videos.”24


Obviously, the price’ Google has to pay is not its public image only. It’s time for you and people to see the ‘price’ - real damage in finance (real money). “If Google can't lure back advertisers, it could result in a loss of hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. Most analysts, though, doubt the ad boycott will seriously hurt Google's corporate parent, Alphabet Inc.”25  said Chicago Tribune. Of course, the ‘price’ will become heavier if Google does nothing or ignores the problems.


I have questions for you now: What if a cancer patient doesn't want any treatment? What if he/she knows his/her disease and solutions of treatment well but does nothing, ignores or tries to forget it?


When it becomes late, he/she can't rescue the situation (even though he/she and doctors try their best). When it's late, there are things that can't be saved or cured.


Look at Google, one of the biggest companies. They are paying a high 'price'. Their damage is not small. Do you know it? If they let people know about discrimination solution as I suggested, they could avoid that damage or at least they could let the bad know about their core values and the consequence “In terms of its public image, 2017 was also the worst year YouTube has ever had” would not happen.



When the good doesn't (want to) use their tools (for example, Google's tools are search engine and YouTube) to fight against and solve discrimination problems, the bad will use their tools to "amplify" bad things. The world proved that true as you see.


It was not over.

Google was not the only company which had to pay prices because of skipping my words.


In year 2018, Facebook and Twitter were two giants that had to be faced with huge crises, especially Facebook.

Read my letters for them, especially the 4th one and you will see what and how they experienced hurts and damages because of skipping my affirmations.

(Link to read it here:


If Google, Facebook, Twitter, three of the biggest companies, have had to pay their price, what about others?


The ‘good’ who still wants to keep ‘silent’, take weak actions and ignore evil acts will continue to pay ‘heavier prices’


Or they will really turn into the bad at last, won’t they?





Look at what were and are happening in reality and how the truth works!




 Now I have to repeat main and vital points of the solution:


“Eyes of prejudices” are the main culprit that make beauty and especially discrimination problems worse and worse. Only with God’s Seven Beauty Commandments we have enough power to "puncture” eyes of prejudices, “blind” these ‘eyes’ and abolish discrimination.

VI. Do Destroy ‘Eyes of Prejudices’ and Use ‘Humane Eyes’ To Look At Yourself And Others




"God is Holy Parent

You’re God’s Child

So Am I.

We’re God's Children!"


So, if the bad or you thinks, calls and treats you or others badly just because of your or others’ different skin color/race/gender/etc…, this means they or yourself are objecting to God!


If you discriminate against others (because of prejudices), treat them based on discrimination and you consider that as an ‘anxiom’, the world (people and God) will automatically discriminate against you by your own ‘anxiom’*.


The worst thing, actually they are objecting to themselves although they don’t perhaps recognize that. Reason? Behaving unkindly or even cruelly towards people (because of their prejudices) indicates they “voluntarily allow” others to do the same.

And never forget that:

Before the bad has to pay for their cruel actions, there will be a lot of good and innocent people who will have to suffer the consequences heavily from people’s silence, neglect. It’ll be a heavier price they who knew how and what to do but do nothing will have to pay.


And also don’t forget what I affirmed many times (in my old ebook): “If You do nothing, the longer time passes, the worse the problems and consequences will become. Therefore, Solving the problems will become more complicated and You’ll certainly have to pay a heavier price!”


You're talented and beautiful no matter what your skin color is, or no matter what your nationality/race,/sexuality/etc is. Remember, your real skin color can ‘tell’ people about your root (origination). Do you love your own origination? Many people realize that a person with eyes of prejudices feels bad about their natural skin color and will try to change his/her real skin color in order not to look ugly because of society’s beauty prejudice.

With 7 beauty commandments – God’s Beauty, Talent and Root Truth – one day you’ll see that changing your skin color (in order to look beautiful because of prejudices) is so meaningless.

We have different (biological) roots, but we have the same root that is extraordinarily holy and that holy root is the ultimate answer (solution) for the teaser.


Finally, you already had the answer:

If we want to solve Discrimination (based on skin color/race/gender/etc…),

We have to look for one supreme thing that does abolish unfairness deeply.


(God’s 7 Beauty Commandments)


How can atheists solve most serious beauty and talent problems and deal with inhumane discrimination while they don’t have God to rely on?

IMPORTANT QUESTIONS: Do you have any question like the following ones in your mind when reading this ebook?

· "How can I reach the highest peak of Beauty and Talent if I am not a Christian/Catholic or a religiously affiliated  person or if I’m an atheist?" or “Are solutions in this book for Christians and Catholics only!?”

· “Will I have to follow The Trinity-Jesus or a God to get good benefits?”

· “What to do if people who don’t identify with any religious group or even people who have God still have discrimination based on skin color/other factors and still behave badly towards others?”

· “How can I (an atheist) use God’s Root Truth (to deal with discrimination problem) if that truth is only for God’s people?”

· "There’re many people who don't believe in God’s existence. How can you (Khuong Dat Long) conclude that they object to God whom they believe doesn’t exist!?”; “Are Christians/Catholics the only ones who can reach that peak? What about people belonging to the other religions?"

· "They, Christians/Catholics, are extremely beautiful and talented because of their 7 beauty commandments. How about the others?"

· “The new 7 commandments (God’s 7 beauty commandments) are only for those who have a religious belief (in general) and Christians, Catholics (in particular), aren’t they?”

· “I have a different religion. If I follow and do those commandments in order to become extremely talented and beautiful (or solve discrimination), will I have to follow The Trinity-Jesus who is not my God?”;

· etc…


First, you should look at the solution once again:



I. Trust Your Own Beauty and Talent. Take 100% Responsibility For Your Talent and Beauty (Decisions)

II. Overcome All Of Bad Feelings About Your Talent, Beauty And Make Changes Successively until You Feel Extremely Beautiful and Talented. Never Accept Being Ugly and Untalented

III. Separate Health From Beauty. No Matter How Your Health Is, You Are Always Beautiful. Take Care Of Your Invaluable Health Carefully.

IV. Pursue Truth Both In And Outside.

V. Make Your Talent And Beauty Increase Your Worthiness.

VI. Do Destroy ‘Eyes of Prejudices’ and Use ‘Humane Eyes’ To Look At Yourself And Others




Many people realize that the above important things are not only for those who have a religious belief. To make it easier, I have a question for you, especially for atheistic people:

Do you know about 10 commandments that God gave Moses on Mount Sinai to serve as principles of moral behavior for the human race? Do you think they are only for Christians and only Christians who keep and follow those vital things to live?




Honor your father and your mother.

You shall not murder.

You shall not commit adultery.

You shall not steal.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

You shall not covet.”


(extracted from 10 commandments of God)26 




There’re many commandments of God that are principles of moral behavior for human beings, not only for Christian/Catholic. The same for 7 Beauty Commandments of God.


And what is more?



Revealing A Great Truth About The Bad Who Discriminates Against People and The Wisest Way To Deal With Discrimination


Someone may ask: “Racists, especially who are atheists, still discriminate against other people because they have no God, so they have no fear and have no God to object to. How can we stop them from behaving badly towards others?”


First, you need to reread things explained above (about above important questions).



Then, fortunately, we, religiously affiliated adults and children, and atheists are living together and being influenced by general moral behaviors, law and social relations.

Remember, in this world {“more than eight-in-ten people identify with a religious group” says a new comprehensive demographic study of more than 230 countries and territories conducted by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life.”}27; “There are 5.8 billion religiously affiliated adults and children around the globe, representing 84 percent of the 2010 world population of 6.9 billion,” the analysis states28.


Therefore, we are living in God’s world.


Affection/Influence is an important factor. If they behave badly towards others based on discrimination (based on skin color or other factors), they object to not only God but also the world (people who are around them). 

People who have no religious belief (have no God to believe and look to), if treating other people badly, that means they still object to God. Why? They don’t believe in the existence of a God , but they are living together with “more than eight-in-ten people identify with a religious group” (God’s world) and as what I said, they are being “influenced by general moral behaviors, law and social relations”.


If the racist, sexist is an atheist or an Anti-God, what will we do?

Many people think that bad people who discriminate against human beings and don't believe in God's existence won’t fear God’s punishment. However, History/Reality proves that they, the bad (even the cruelest people/leaders), always fear real punishments from God’s children/people.


History always proves and shows us that: “Good always triumphs over evil” and “Curses come home to roost”. The cruelest people or leaders (in history) always had to heavily pay for their actions in the end.


“So, if the bad thinks God doesn’t exist (while they are living in God’s world), why do they always fear real punishments from God’s people and have to heavily pay for their cruel actions in the end?”

-Khuong Dat Long-


Remember: people of God can be police, lawyers, doctors, scientists,  presidents, etc…


Again, the worst thing, actually they are objecting to themselves although they don’t perhaps recognize that. Reason? Behaving unkindly or even cruelly towards people (because of their prejudices) indicates they “voluntarily allow” others to do the same. As a result, they, bad ones, also are behaved the same (because of some form of prejudices) and have to pay a heavy price. Of course, this is a bad influence. People often say: “We reap as we sow”.


How about a great influence? When people respect and treat each other kindly; when you use God’s Beauty, Talent and Root Truth and inner eyes (humane eyes) to look at someone, they’ll do the same. That will be a great Influence. Therefore, God’s 7 Beauty Commandments (especially the 6th and 7th ones)  are the vital answer, the ‘main key’ to settle the worst teaser.


We also don’t forget to combine that ‘key’ with law, education and social relations (or other factors such as policies, technology, etc). 


As long as you do humane/good things, win/victory and power are totally yours. Furthermore, moral behaviors are not only for Christians/Catholics as explained above. The same for Seven Beauty Commandments: God’s Beauty, Talent and Root Truth.


 “Can atheistic people reach the highest peak of human beauty and talent?”.




This question will have to be answered by themselves, of course.


To me, that high-spirited peak is always for those who “Do Destroy ‘Eyes of Prejudices’ and Use ‘Humane Eyes’ To Look At Yourself And Others”, who don’t let eyes of prejudices control their mind and behaviors…whatever they have or don’t have a religious belief. However, I clearly see that people who don’t have God to believe in and rely on will have to face one huge difficulty. A mirror will ‘tell’ what it is. Eyes are actually one of their biggest obstacles.

Ø Who can be a talented and beautiful person in- and outside if he/she accepts being ugly, untalented and uses his/her eyes of prejudices to look at others (even himself/herself)?

Ø Who dare to say to their God that they are God’s children, whereas they create the worst unfairness?


If God’s Greatest Truths or God’s Seven Beauty Commandments (as well as Ten Commandments that God gave Moses) were for/applied by Christians only; if only people identifying with a religious group could reach that peak, it’d create a

new unfairness even worse: discrimination based on religion. If so, 10 commandments and 7 beauty commandments would not be from God.


Therefore, God’s Beauty and Root Truths, 7 Beauty Commandments are first for human beings.








1. Memorize 7 Beauty Commandments by heart. Remember the most important content: God’s Root Truth

"God is Holy Parent

You’re God’s Child

So Am I.

We’re God's Children!"

2. The wisest way to have enough power and combat discrimination is to use GOD’S ROOTH TRUTH. Don’t forget that we, religiously affiliated adults and children, and atheists are living together and being influenced by general moral behaviors, law and social relations. Moral behaviors, law, social relations and other factors (such as policies, education, technology) will be main helpful supports.


Don’t forget to combine that ‘key’ with law, education and social relations (or other factors such as policies, technology, etc).


3. “Eyes of prejudices” are the main culprit that make discrimination problems get worse and worse. No matter what you are a religiously affiliated person

or an atheist, please always remember: If you discriminate against others (because of prejudices), treat them based on discrimination and you consider that as an ‘anxiom’, the world (people and God) will automatically discriminate against you by your own ‘anxiom’*. It is the real power for all of us to protest the evil thing and the solution to deal with/abolish discrimination. Look at human history, vital proofs and events that are happening at this time in the world, you’ll behold it very clearly.

The faster people know about God Greatest Truths (especially God’s Root Truth), the faster they have power to triumph over the bad and the faster they won’t have to suffer cruel discrimination. Of course, the least hurts appear! Therefore, one of simple things you can do is: share these solutions, share God’s 7 Beauty Commandments in this solution ebook with your friends, family and anyone as soon as possible. You can copy (not click) and share this link with them (after finishing this ebook):  

{Share This E-Book, Share To Have Happiness, Success, and Strength!}

URL to copy and share this solution ebook with everyone

(For English):

☞(For Vietnamese):


4. Obviously, you and I, we don’t want the good to pay any price. However, real life shows us the truth: "Before the bad has to pay for their cruel actions, there will be a lot of good and innocent people who will have to suffer the consequences heavily from people’s silence, neglect. It’ll be a heavier price they who knew how and what to do but do nothing will have to pay." and “If You do nothing, the longer time passes, the worse the problems and consequences will become. Therefore, Solving the problems will become more complicated and You’ll certainly have to pay a heavier price!”. Therefore, use your voice and tool(s) to make people “know how to deal with the problems (my solutions) and live strongly, happily

5. Join God Anxiom’s Day29 and 11 God Anxiom’s Preparation Days to show your Respects to people, your supports for Human Equality, Anti-Discrimination and show your Love for your God!

6. Discriminating against people (because of prejudices) is Objection to God and Human Beings. It is a heavy Sin in the eyes of God because it badly hurt children of God (and atheists, too). Have you ever thought: “If God exists, why doesn’t God appear and destroy the bad who objects to Him and human beings?”

If you have any doubt, please wait until you see My World Challenge.

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18 I wrote this in the 8th update of the old ebook “How To Reach The Highest Peak of Human Beauty? Win Immediately!” in March, 19 2017

19 Read more:

20 Download the first release here and see what I said:

21 Download the first release here and see what I said:

22 Source:

23 Source:

24 Source:

25 Source:

26 Info source:

27 Info source:

28 Info source:

29 Read about this event at Appendix 2

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