Do Tech Giants Want To Use 'Rescuing Wings' To Save Themselves?
Even when God gives the bird the wings, what will happen if this bird doesn't (want to) use those 'rescuing wings'?
Tech Giants Are Trapping Themselves and Become Powerless In The War Against Fake News, Disinformation, Hate Speech, Discrimination and User Protection
From: Khuong Dat Long
Date: 30 March 2018
Update: 29 July 2018
Fear of Fake News, Disinformation
According to The Telegraph and Techcrunch, Google (Youtube) planned to combat conspiracy videos with information sourced from Wikipedia"
"Wikipedia itself tells users not to trust it as a breaking news source. Katherine Maher of the Wikimedia Foundation said on Twitter: "Frankly, we don't want you to blindly trust us. Sure, we’re mostly accurate - but not always! We want you to read Wikipedia with a critical eye." reported
And frankly, we don’t want you to blindly trust us. Sure, we’re mostly accurate - but not always! We want you to read @Wikipedia with a critical eye. Check citations! Edit and correct inaccurate information! You can’t do that in a simple search result.
{"Susan Wojcicki, chief executive of YouTube, told South by SouthWest Festival in Austin, Texas, that it would soon introduce the Wikipedia links to information aiming to give an alternative view.
"When there are videos that are focused around something that’s a conspiracy, and we’re using a list of well-known internet conspiracies from Wikipedia, then we will show a companion unit of information from Wikipedia showing that here is information about the event,” Wojcicki said.}
Tech Giants, Are They Trapping Themselves and Getting Powerless?
Is the giant making it become an awkward clown?
People saw a problem:
Also uhhhh does YouTube know that anyone can edit Wikipedia? Someone should tell them...
Nice of YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki to give Russia, the Alt-Right, pro-Trump media, and other hostile actors a heads up on what platform they should try and game next. Good luck Wikipedia!
Especially, the bad who is trying hard to amplify fake news, disinformation and bad things on internet is definitely laughing at the biggest Tech companies in the world, more exactly, they are laughing at the most excellent 'heads' of these companies sarcastically.
The more Tech giants become afraid of the fake news, disinformation problem, the more they trap themselves and only make a fool of themselves.
Tech Giants are trapping themselves...(image source)
One Affirmation Worth At Least $266 Billion!
If you read my ebook "God's 7 Beauty Commandments: The Ultimate Power" (its former version is "How To Reach the Highest Peak of Human Beauty and Win Immediately!?") and my letters (emails), you were warned many times that: if you do nothing or ignore my affirmations and suggestions, if you don't (want to) use your voices and your tool(s) (for example, Google's tools are search engine and Youtube) to combat the bad (who always tries to exploit your platform to do bad things) and their evil acts, they (bad people/users) will use your tool(s) (Facebook/Google/Youtube/Twitter) in order to amplify evil things and harm people's lives.
I always informed you in advance that
Before the bad has to pay for their cruel actions, there will be a lot of good and innocent people who will have to suffer the consequences heavily from people’s silence, neglect. It’ll be a heavier price they who knew how and what to do but do nothing will have to pay.
(Khuong Dat Long)
In December 2016, I had contacted many people and huge companies {especially in the U.S and Google (Sundar Pichai), Facebook (Marrk Zuckerberg), Twitter (Jack Dorsey) were three of them} and had suggested they use their voice, their tool(s) to make people “know how to deal with the (discrimination) problems and live strongly, happily” (an extract from my original email sent to them) before I wrote the above affirmation in January 2017.
Of course, my affirmations and suggestions were ignored and now all of you (and people out there) have clearly seen the reality and consequences that I tried to inform you in advance.
Because of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook lost $50 billion in just 2 days
"Facebook has lost$80 billion in market value since its data scandal" reported CNN. The Facebook CEO has also lost about $14 billion. According to "The social media giant has now lost $100 billion from its market capitalisation from its peak on 2 February".
We all know not only Facebook but Google, Twitter and other Tech companies have been affected by the data scandal as well.
"Facebook’s decline on Monday was the stock’s worst single-day fall since 2014, and it weighed on the other tech giants. Google’s parent company, Alphabet, fell more than 3 per cent. Amazon and Microsoft dropped more than 1.7 per cent. And Apple, the largest American company by market capitalisation, sank 1.5 per cent."
However, Facebook, Twitter and Google have been losing one much more important thing: their brands and their users' trust have been damaged (because of fake news, disinformation, hate speech, propaganda, discrimination and data scandal)
“In terms of its
public image, 2017 was also the worst year YouTube has ever had”. “If
Google can't lure back advertisers, it could result in a loss of hundreds of millions of
dollars in revenue. Most analysts, though, doubt the ad boycott will seriously hurt
Google's corporate parent, Alphabet Inc.” said Chicago Tribune.
While people, you and Tech companies didn't know anything about the bad work of Cambridge Analytica and the bad who was trying to amplify hate speech, discrimination, fake news, I did inform you of their evil work and bad consequences.
Do you think Cambridge Analytica Scandal is the only one and the last?
Update: The second dangerous signal
"By Wednesday evening (25 July), almost $150 billion had been wiped off of Facebook's market cap as a result of the stock's plunge", reported said "The massive hit came as Facebook's shares plunged by $150billion after the tech giant failed to meet Wall Street's estimates for user growth and quarterly revenue."
Again, the chairman and aslo founder of Faceboook also has suffered a huge loss. He "lost nearly $20billion in just two hours on Wednesday."
The second dangerous signal - FB suffered a huge loss, not only about their finance
The loss that Facebook has suffered certainly relates to the most serious problems it is being faced with: fake news, data protection, toxic contents. All of these problems have been harming their platforms (not only Facebook) and of course, hurting their vital business.
Another tech company also has suffered a big loss in this July, the same time with Facebook, is Twitter. The Guardian reported: "Almost $5bn (£3.8bn) has been wiped off the market value of Twitter after the social media service reported a drop of 1 million users following its action to delete fake and offensive accounts."
The second dangerous signal - FB Twitter lost $5 billion e
What is the same point between Facebook and Twitter?
Look at the above charts, we can say: the consequences came suddenly.
Tech giants are being damaged by fake news and as I always affirm, the unbearable aftermath will certainly come if they cannot have a life-saving solution for this serious problem.
It's the second time dangerous signals have come!
How many times do they, the biggest Tech companies in the world, want the painful consequences to come and destroy them continously?
When it's late, there'll be things that can't be saved or cured.
Do you think my above affirmation becomes true when Mark Zuckerberg admitted "While this specific issue involving Cambridge Analytica should no longer happen with new apps today, that doesn't change what happened in the past."?
The data scandal of Facebook is just one of dangerous signals.
That means Twitter, Facebook, Google (and others) are going to be faced with an unbearable aftermath.
When a giant falls over, it will also drag others down.
The World and History are 'doing' and 'finishing' things that I affirmed to you and people previously
"Shares of Google parent Alphabet (GOOGL) fell7% since March 16"
"...while Twitter has plunged 20%"
Google parent Alphabet is still paying their heavy price because they ignored my affirmations and suggestions (this was carefully explained inside my vital ebook "God's 7 Beauty Commandments: The Ultimate Power". Sydney Morning Hearals (SMH) reported "Major advertisers across Europe are still appearing alongside extremist YouTube videos days after technology giant Google said it was taking steps to protect its clients from inadvertently supporting hate.". "The controversy over ad placement, now in its second week, is expanding at a pace Google has struggled to match in its response. Its parent company Alphabet's market value has dropped by about $US24 billion ($31 billion) this week."
The prices that Tech companies and others are paying are certainly not small, Of course, if Tech companies don't have any efficient solution, the situation will get worse and worse.
With The Losses of Facebook's $80 billion and Google's $31 Billion (if not counting Twitter and others) on March 2018 and With The Losses of Facebook's $150 billion and Twitter's $5 Billion in this July, how much is my affirmation worth at least?
Tech companies are damaging people's trust. There're many users and customers (many of them are big companies in the world) leaving their services and they could never come back...
"Mozilla pulls ads off Facebook over data access concerns" as reported. {"Sonos today announced that it will remove advertising for its speakers across Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube, and Twitter for a week — yes, just one week — beginning on Monday. “We are concerned by the recent revelations about Facebook and the exploitation of its platform,” the company said in a blog post. In addition to hitting pause on its advertising, Sonos says its Facebook and Instagram accounts will go dark next week as well"}. informed {Commerzbank, Germany's second-largest lender, quickly followed Mozilla's example.
"We are pausing our campaign on Facebook. Brand safety and data security are very important to us," said Uwe Hellmann, the bank's brand strategy chief.}
Unilever tells Facebook and Google to clean up online 'swamp' or it will pull ads
{"Keith Weed, the company's chief marketing officer, described online networks as "a swamp" mired with fabricated news, racist, sexist and extremist content in a speech Monday at the Interactive Advertising Bureau's annual leadership meeting in Palm Desert, Calif."} - {"Fake news, racism, sexism, terrorists spreading messages of hate, toxic content directed at children — parts of the internet we have ended up with is a million miles from where we thought it would take us," Weed said in his prepared remarks}
Obviously, the more time passes, the more Tech giants are getting incapable of resolving the serious problems (fake news, disinformation, hate speech, discrimination, user protection), the heavier prices they will have to pay if they use wrong, inefficient solutions/strategies or delay solving the serious problems.
"The League of Truth" and "The Rescuing Key" ('Wings')
When a giant falls over, it will also drag others down.
I am writting you this vital letter to inform you of an unbearable aftermath and how to stop it in the future.
Think about an intimate relation between fake news and Facebook's biggest data scandal. What is the last thing that the bad wants?
If fake news, disinformation are solved successfully, what about things/events like the serious data scandal?
If Facebook, Twitter, Google and others want to resolve the problems and overcome bad consequences, they have to know how to turn their platform(s) into a 'good weapon' in order to fight against the bad who is still exploiting their platforms, harming their users!
The League of Truth: Use 'good weapons', Twitter, Facebook, Google will cooperate in ending the war against the bad
It's very fortunate that I am holding a 'rescuing key' that can turn their platforms into 'good weapons' in order to win the war against disinformation, fake news, hate speech, discrimination and protect online users, customers.
With my 'rescuing key' ('wings'), users on Twitter, Facebook, Google, Youtube (and others) will be protected and safe.
Preventing the bad from exploiting online platforms is important, but stopping them from harming people is much more important!
The Last Word
The much more important thing: The aftermath will come faster if Tech giants and other organizations use wrong, inefficient solutions/strategies or delay solving the serious problems.
Even when God gives the bird the wings, what will happen if this bird doesn't (want to) use those 'rescuing wings'?
My name is Khuong Dat Long, the Author of Solutions "Parting The Ocean of Information" and "God's 7 Beauty Commandments: The Ultimate Power"