Discover The Simplest & Best Way To Solve The Most Serious Discrimination Problems (Racism, Sexism, More...) To The Every Roots and Make America Win Immediately Without Protests And Worst Consequences (Because of Discrimination)!
Discover How to Win Discrimination ImmediatelyWithout Any Worst Consequences
The US now is “Divided States Of America” as affirmed by TIME.
There were many important events happening in order to warn the US
Do Americans remember these:
Video 1: Parliament to debate Trump state visit after 1.6 milliion sign petition.
Although Your president on Monday (2017 March 6th) “signed a revised executive order to reinstate a ban on immigration from certain Muslim-majority countries and suspend the US refugee program”, but “Donald Trump’s second executive order banning travel from six majority-Muslim countries was slated to go into effect on Thursday at 12.01am EST. But in the hours before it was set to take effect, it was blocked.” informed Theguardian (source).
Most of people in USA and around the world have raised their voices by demonstrations taking place all over the world
Video 2: At least over 5 million Protesters marched all over the world Only within 2 days!
In addition, not only American women but also women around the world also are having to suffer their daily trauma:
Video 3: A debate over sexism erupted in the European Parliament when a lawmaker made sexist remarks
I'm sure You (America) don't really want to hear and see these events any more because they are ruining Your country deeply. Certainly, activities like those will continue taking place and they may occur in higher levels so that You can't predict or imagine!
Therefore, are the following things what the US really want?
People will live in a safer, better and ‘united’ country. Everyone is respected and increase their best values
Most serious discrimination problems (such as racism, sexism, etc...) will be solved to the every roots and this will create the most benefits and the least hurts for US!
When people have a better, happier life (because the problems solved); when most valuable values are preserved, this will be one of the most important factors that will make the economy of United States will develop strongly and sustainably. Why? Just try thinking: Will the economy sustainably develop if hundreds or even more of protests occur in America constantly, the serious problems still remain and Americans must suffer worse consequences?
People, family, children, friends, colleagues, companies, social organizations, etc...will live and work in a safer, more peaceful and united country, instead of "Divided States Of America".
Although the US president Trump always says "Make America great again", but unfortunately, the truth is: Discrimination problems can't but 'destroy' National Unity that is the nation's life
Do You, Americans, Really Want To Make America “Great Again” and WIN Immediately?
If so:
It's fortunate for US!
There’s One Simplest and Best Way That Will Solve Your Problems Before It's Too Late For You, America!
And The Solutions Are So Important And Beneficial For Your Country!
Here's what
You, America, are getting:
Besides a vital solution (called Kisdel-II Solution “How To Reach The Highest Peak Of Human Beauty?”) I’ll reveal in Chapter Two, You will have one more vital solution (called Kisdel-I Solution) that will show "How To Solve Most Serious Discrimination Problems To The Every Roots and Make America WIN Immediately!?". This Kisdel-I Solution is so vital and beneficial for Your country now.
The Kisdel-I Solution will help You, America, WIN immediately and avoid the worst consequences. Therefore, the faster Your country problems are solved, the faster Americans will have a better, happier life and this will make America get the most benefits.
Your WIN will be one of the most important factors that will help the economy of United States develop strongly and sustainably. At least, People will concentrate on their work, not demonstrations! Of course, the situation will be much greater than it is now. Just look at protests and dissension in Your country now! Will the economy sustainably develop if hundreds or even more of protests occur in America constantly, the serious problems still remain and Americans must suffer worse consequences?
People will live in a safer country where their improvements and happiness will not be stopped because of most serious discrimination. My unique and vital solutions, especially the Kisdel-I "How To Solve Most Serious Discrimination Problems To The Every Roots and Make America WIN Immediately!?", will make Your People NOT feel afraid and incapable of getting rid of discrimination. The vital solutions will directly contribute to reducing Terrorist Threat, Attack Risks in Your country. Why? You, Americans, should remember that: Discrimination, if it’s not solved and even worse, if it’s supported, always increases terrorist threat, risk and gets levels of terrorist threat, attacks worse! CNN told the news in March 13th 2017 “More than 80 Jewish community centers and schools have turned into targets of hate and been subjected to bomb threats as fears of heightened anti-Semitism spread across the country” (source). “Police said on Sunday that more than 100 headstones had been vandalized at a Jewish cemetery in Philadelphia” informed Theguardian (source). Many people in Your country and all over the world think Trump (and his staffs) are arousing enmity and they think, because Your leader picked a fight with those banned countries, terrible attack risks may happen in USA later. Theguardian said “Questions regarding Trump’s attitude to antisemitism and possible antisemitic views among his aides and supporters have persisted since he announced his run for the White House” (source).How can Your country reduce terrorist threat, risk and attacks if people think and see Your people and Government supporting discrimination? With the Kisdel-I Solution, what You're getting are WIN and the world’s Respects.
If You use solutions, they will really contribute to making Your country great (because of high-spirited values). Why? Your discrimination problems have 'contributed' and made Yourself become "Divided States Of America" (TIME’s words). So, if the problems are solved, more or less, You will find Yourself again: "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA".
My Solutions, especially the Kisdel-I, will help You solve the discrimination problems WITHOUT hundreds or even more of demonstrations and worst consequences! This will certainly help America save tons of money, time and even ‘people’
You, Americans, will be respected by people all over the world because when You can solve Discrimination and keep most important values, the world won’t consider You one of the most Racist, Sexist…countries! ! America will be the FIRST and leading country which can abolish discrimination. WITH My Kisdel-I and Kisdel-II Solutions, America will only WIN and WIN immediately!
and more!
Are My Words and Affirmations Reliable?
Many times, Human History, The World and Real Life automatically proved my words and affirmations Correct and True (after I had revealed my Kisdel-II Solution many months ago)!
What did I affirm and How did Human History, The World prove them?
#1. 2017 Women’s March (since January 21, 2017)
#2. A U.K Parliament to debate Trump state visit after 1.8 million sign petition (in Feb 7th 2017)
At least, over 5 million people who marched all over the world (over 80 countries) prove my following affirmation correct and true
If you discriminate against others (because of prejudices), treat them based on discrimination and you consider that as an ‘anxiom’ (axiom), the world (people and God) will automatically discriminate against you by your own ‘anxiom’
(Khuong Dat Long)
This event proves that:
The worst thing, actually they are objecting to themselves although they don’t perhaps recognize that. Reason? Behaving unkindly or even cruelly towards people (because of their prejudices) indicates they “voluntarily allow” others to do the same
(Khuong Dat Long)
#3. FBI Investigation (March 6 2017)
#4. The August 11–12 2017 rally was organized to protest the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue
FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation joins investigation into shooting of Sikh man in Seattle suburb who says gunman told him to 'get out of our country. This real story occured after my following affirmation:
Before the bad has to pay for their cruel actions, there will be a lot of good and innocent people who will have to suffer the consequences heavily from people’s silence, neglect. It’ll be a heavier price they who knew how and what to do but do nothing will have to pay.
(Khuong Dat Long)
The 4th time, my following affirmation becomes Truth. (I wrote this in the 8thupdate of my ebook in March, 19 2017). The event took place in Charlottesville, Virginia (called Charlottesville rally from August 11–12, 2017).
“If You do nothing, the longer time passes, the worse the problems and consequences will become. Therefore, Solving the problems will become more complicated and You’ll certainly have to pay a heavier price!”
(Khuong Dat Long)
#5. 2017 Fresno Shootings (April 18 2017)
#6. “In terms of its public image, 2017 was also the worst year YouTube has ever had" (December 2017)
On April 18, 2017, a shooting spree occurred in Fresno, California, leaving three men dead. "The accused shooter – who had posted about Black Lives Matter and allegedly told police he “hates white people” – was named as Kori Muhammad (Kori Ali Muhammad)"
“If You do nothing, the longer time passes, the worse the problems and consequences will become..."
(Khuong Dat Long)
“More companies are pulling advertising from YouTube over Google’s inability to ensure ads won’t appear next to hateful and offensive content.”; "...big brands threatened a full scale boycott of YouTube after learning that their advertising was being played alongside racist and offensive videos"
My affirmation “It’ll be a heavier price they who knew how and what to do but do nothing will have to pay.” became true!
(Khuong Dat Long)
#7. Some sciential thing that has strongly developed has caused serious problems that harm human life badly (2018)
Look at the 6th proof again, you absolutely see my following affirmation correct.
“Science, Knowledge can help our life get better. The more science develops, the more benefits we can get.
However, there have been many vital things that couldn’t be solved by science only. Even some sciential thing that has strongly developed has caused serious problems that harm human life badly. "
(Khuong Dat Long)
In the 5th Update of my ebook published in January/24/2017, I strongly affirmed:
"Before the bad has to pay for their cruel actions, there will be a lot of good and innocent people who will have to suffer the consequences heavily from people’s silence, neglect. It’ll be a heavier price they who knew how and what to do but do nothing will have to pay."
And I also said in the old version that: “the faster people know about God Greatest Truths and solutions, the faster they have power to triumph over the bad and the faster they have a peaceful and happy life. Of course, the least hurts/pains appear!”
In August 2017, many terrible events occurred around the world. What are going on and what’s the latest proof, the 4th one, that strongly proved my solutions true? Just finish this letter, then read my ebook and in the third part, chapter two, I will show you how people’s delay (about people’s silence, neglect and doing nothing) affects other people’s life.
People clearly see What I said and affirmed become Truth.
Therefore, right now, what is America waiting for? Aftermaths occured. Don't Let It Be Too Late! Don’t wait until You see many more People suffer worse consequences!
I Have The Simplest And Vital Solutions That Help You Avoid Worse Consequences!
In short, You need the Kisdel-I and Kisdel-II Solutions to "Solve Most Serious Discrimination Problems To the Every Roots and Make America WIN Immediately!" as soon as possible; Otherwise, it'll too late for You!Because of the Nature of the discrimination matter, You only can solve the problems and Win immediately WHEN: You have and use solutions (Kisdel-I and Kisdel-II).
Please remember: The faster You, America, have and use the solutions, the faster You can avoid worst consequences. You will havethe most benefits and become both "stronger together" ("united") and "great again".
To solve America's these problems, I'll use TWO Unique and Vital Solutions: Kisdel-I and Kisdel-II. The Kisdel-II Solution “How To Reach the Highest Peak of Human Beauty?” is always FREE, but the Kisdel-I one “Solve Most Serious Discrimination Problems To the Every Roots and Make America WIN Immediately" (After finish this urgent letter, You will download and find the Kisdel-II Solution out in my ebook "How To Reach The Highest Peak of Human Beauty? Win Immediately!". A download link will be put in PostScript in this letter)
As You know, my Kisdel-II solution “How To Reach the Highest Peak of Human Beauty?” is always free and being viewed as well as shared widely. I wrote and gave it officially to the public. But why do I have to ‘sell’ the Kisdel-I solution while the Kisdel-II one is free? Why don’t I offer both of vital solutions for free while they directly help and benefit people and they’re especially for Americans who are now facing most serious discrimination problems?
They are such reasonable and important questions!
The Main Reasons The Kisdel-I Solution Is Sold:
Liability and commitment. You only can WIN and solve the problems when You follow and do my solutions exactly. When You buy the Kisdel-I Solution, I will have to make You WIN and You have to keep and protect that WIN. Making a commitment serves as an incentive for US to do the best WE possibly can.
I have a legitimate reason to work for US. Solving Your country problems needs my presence.
The longer time passes (and You do nothing), the worse the problems will become. Solving the problems will become more complicated. So, You have to act as soon as possible, in the soonest time. Of course, it's absolutely Your own decision, America. As I said, the faster Your country problems are solved, the faster Americans can avoid the worst consequences and this will make America get the most benefits.
I will give 100% of profits to Human Rights Organizations and People who really need helps. This means You country will also be benefited from this money.
There's one more important reason: Solving serious problems is one of the most important jobs of any president. However, as I said from the beginning, many people all over the world think that: Donald Trump (and his staffs) are arousing enmity and they think terrible attack risks may occur in USA later. People think the current president of the United States is strongly supporting Discrimination (especially Racism, Sexism) and they clearly saw this in his presidential campaign. This doesn't help reduce or abolish discrimination, but even make it stronger and stronger. Of course, worse consequences will occur if the problems aren't solved as soon as possible. Donald Trump is now the president and he, his staffs, (instead of...someone else!), must be ones who should take care of Americans and solve the discrimination problems. If people saw him really do that vital job, this sales letter would not exist...
Get The Solutions Soon Now BEFORE It's Too Late For You, America!
Don't Wait Until You See Worst Consequences!
Just look at the world's events that proved my solutions and you will know what I'm saying.
Therefore, the faster Your problems are solved, the faster You, America, have power to triumph over the bad and the faster Your People have a better, happier life. Of course, the faster America can avoid worst consequences and get the most benefits! Don't wait until America see many more people suffer worse consequences!
Act Now! Because The Price Will Increase!
How Much Is The Kisdel-I Solution Worth At Present?
Order today and You can get the unique and vital solution for the lowest price $3,100,000,000.00 (Three Billion One Hundred Million Dollards) – the minimum price for the Kisdel-I Solution that can help You solve the hardest problems, get huge benefits and avoid worst consequences; get world's supports back and "Make America Great Again!" in its high-spirited meaning. Or Three Billion One Hundred Million Dollards (in the soonnest time) or You'll have to pay the highest 'price' that tons of money can't help.
Act and Order quickly as You can Because The Solution Price will increase! The final price will depend on Your actions and decisions, Americans. It's Your own decision.
I will give 100% of profits to Human Right Organizations and People who really need help.
America will also be benefited from this money!
Who Should Buy My Kisdel-I Solution?
Americans who will buy this solution together
The US Government, the president Trump
Organizations which will buy this solution together
Companies (especially Tech or Media ones) which will buy this solution together
Individuals/Companies that will buy the Kisdel-I solution together
What the downside when You buy this solution? Absolutely nothing! I offer this solution to You with a complete 100 percent money back guarantee!
Out My Unheard of Famous
Clear As Black-And-White 100% Money Back Guarantee!
You, America, Will
Enjoy A 100 Percent
Money-Back Guarantee! That’s
right! I
said You get 100 percent of Your money
back if I Should Make You Not Win and The Discrimination Problems Should Become Worse!
I understand You may be nervous and worry about what I am saying to You. Solving discrimination is a vital thing of a country which has a total resident population of 325,663,000 like America. So, are You wondering "How can you, Khuong Dat Long, assure your solutions will help US solve most serious discrimination problems and make Our country WIN immediately as you said?". Here's My Guatrantee:
I, Khuong Dat Long, Will Refund Your Deposit If I Should Make You Not Win and The Discrimination Problems Should Become Worse!
Do You Feel Great NOW?
Here's the payment process, for example:
The first price (the minimum) is $1 Biliion U.S. dollards.
After a time (for example) You do nothing (don't place an order), the price will reach $7 Biliion U.S. dollards (because as I said, The longer time passes, the worse the problems will become. Therefore, solving the problems will become more complicated)
It's time to order. You will want to place an order and the final price (contract price) will be $7 Biliion U.S. dollards at that time.
When You make an order successfully, You will have to pay by sending this money to a bank (that You and I will make a choice). The bank will take care of this money. Both You and I will not have rights to use or withdraw this money from the bank. The bank will keep and take care of it until we finish the job.
I will help and make You solve the country problems and WIN.
If I Should Make You Not Win and The Discrimination Problems Should Become Worse, Your Deposit will be refunded (with its interest). So, if this should happen, You (America) won't lose anything: You will take $7 Billion dollards back with its interest and don’t forget You use my Kisdel-II solutions for FREE.
If I Make You WIN successfully and immediately, of course, I will have $7 Billion dollards with its interest. I will give 100% of profits to Human Right Organizations and/or People who really need help and/or sponsor Science/Medical Programs. This means America will also be benefited from this money
(This may be changed later. This information is just for reference.)
Before ordering the Kisdel-I Solution, You need to know the following important conditions of contract and please make sure they must be satisfied before payment is made:
When You decide to place an order, the price that will officially be updated/notified on this web page (and in my e-book, too) will be the contract price.
You have to read, know and undestand the Kisdel-II Solution that was provided in my latest update "How To Reach The Highest Peak of Human Beauty? Win Immediately!"well
This Kisdel-II Solution, because of its importance, will have to be known by Americans all over the world. Obviously, they, Americans, will have to know most important values that the United States of America will follow and do.
If You don't (want to) do this vital job (letting American all over the world know about the Kisdel-II Solution), please never place an order.
The Kisdel-II Solution have to be known and understood deeply by Your People BEFORE I provide America with the Kisdel-I Solution! This is a Must if You want to WIN and solve Your problems.
Solving Your country problems needs my presence. Therefore, You'll provide me with necessary living and working conditions in USA until we finish the job.
After I help You, America, solve the problems and make You WIN, You Yourself will have to keep and protect that success (WIN)!
Obviously, You can’t solve the most serious problems if You are not willing to let Your People (Americans) know about the Kisdel-II Solution as well as keep, protect Your WIN. And I have to affirm that: No country in this world can solve the problems if countries and their People don't follow and do the Kisdel-II Solution! (You will download and find the Kisdel-II Solution out in my ebook "How To Reach The Highest Peak of Human Beauty? Win Immediately". A download link will be put in PostScript in this letter)
In short, with unique and vital solutions, America will only WIN and receive Huge Benefits!
If You don't (want to) solve the problems as soon as possible (in the soonest time), it will be too late for Your country and People (especially the good and innocent ones) will have to suffer worse consequences!
Don't forget:
Absolutely, Americans were and are seeing proofs in the clearest way!
The longer time passes, the worse the problems and consequences will become. Therefore, Solving the problems will become more complicated and You’ll certainly have to pay a heavier ‘price’! Don’t wait until You see many more people suffer the consequences.
If You don't act now, Your country will have to spend much moremoney (hundreds or thousands or even more of billions of dollards) and Time and even "People" on rebuilding what were/are/will be damaged/ruined...Can You imagine that?
My name is Khuong Dat Long, the Author of Kisdel Solutions "How To Reach The Highest Peak of HUman Beauty and Win Immediately!? " and "Exposing The Deepest Mystery In The Deadliest Mass Shooting In Modern Us History! ".
All the best,
Khuong Dat Long
Author of Kisdel Solutions
Before You decide to buy it, please read the above main conditions of contract again and contact me (for further information or suggestions) as soon as possible.