About Me
My name is Khuong Dat Long. A little child of God.
As an artist, I am singer Jelong, currently living and working in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
The e-book "God's 7 Beauty Commandments" that you downloaded to read (or viewed its contents on this website) I have written and updated since December 2015.
The more this book is updated, the more amazing benefits you will have.
The solutions mentioned in the book (or on this website) have been proven by Human History and Real Life.
Even better, over the years, God's 7 Beauty Commandments have shown their divine power and meaning to human life.

The most special thing: solutions in this ebook "God's 7 Beauty Commandments" were automatically proved true by Real Life, World Events.
There are 8 problems that are eight of the most serious ones in the world:
1.Beauty and Cosmetics/Plastic Surgery.
2.Talent and Fake Technology.
3.Cyberbullying and Suicide.
4.Discrimination, Hate Speech (especially racial, institutional discrimination).
5.An unknown motive of Stephen Paddock who did kill 58 people and injure 851 ones in the event of the 2017 Las Vegas Shooting which is considered the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.
6.Fake news and misinformation.
7.Stopping The Covid-19 Pandemic, Saving Lives, and Saving World Economy.
8.Waves of death (Tsunami), (and other disasters such as Hurricane causing floods, Massive Flood and House Fires).
Get Great Benefits For Your Life!
god's power
Discover Proven Solutions
That Bring You Huge Benefits!
Beauty and Cosmetics/Plastic Surgery
Male or female, a religiously affiliated person or an atheist, do you feel insecure about your Beauty (on the outside)? If you've ever had some beauty surgeries, do you really feel better OR even worse? Even you have a NATURAL beauty that a lot of people desire, do you still feel unsatisfied in yourself and have an inferiority complex? Do you really feel incapable of getting beautiful? Are you afraid of having the black on your foot? Even people who are called "the most beautiful man or woman in the world" can also have this bad feeling...
Cosmetics, costumes, jewellery...even beauty surgeries CAN'T BRING you Real Beauty, Confidence and Happiness! They will become BIG obstacles if you use them in order to try to believe and see that You're Beautiful!
If you want to solve your own beauty problem, even if you want to Reach the Highest Peak of Human Beauty Successfully, read the important part of the book "God's 7 Beauty Commandments" right now!
Talent and Fake Technology
Male or female, a religiously affiliated person or an atheist, do you feel yourself untalented?
Has anyone ever called you 'useless' or untalented and treated you badly?
Do you really feel incapable of getting talented and feel unconfident?
Are you afraid of others' talents because you cannot have their 'outer things' (which make them famous and rich) ?
Even people who are considered "geniuses" can also have this bad feeling...
Do you know the most famous singers/divas/divos/music child prodigies who 'killed' themselves because of music prejudices?
So how to be considered a talented person, even if you want to Reach the Highest Peak of Human Talent Successfully, find out immediately one of the most important and interesting parts of the book "God's 7 Beauty Commandments"!
Cyberbullying and Suicide
One of the hurting problems tech giants and users have been being faced with is: harsh and humiliating comments (cyberbullying).
Cruel words, especially severe online comments, can kill a human mentally and physically, inside and outside.
I Myself Was An “Insider” and I DEFEATED A cyberbully thoroughly and got unexpected results!
If you have ever experienced cyberbully and want to know how to win it gloriously, read my real story at once!
Discrimination, Hate Speech
Beauty and Talent Prejudices are the serious problems.
However, there are other prejudices which are much worse!
Male or Female, a religiously affiliated person or an atheist, whatever your skin color is, do you feel afraid of discrimination (based on race/gender/etc...) at work, school or in public?
Do you even get angry when seeing the bad discriminate against you and other people? Do you really feel hurt because you feel incapable of combating the racist, sexist?
How To Deeply Solve Discrimination Problems In The Wisest Way?
God's 7 Beauty Commandments are not just about solving problems of Beauty, Talent, Inhuman Discrimination or Cyberbullying.
Come to other interesting and important parts of life, and only in the e-book "God's 7 Beauty Commandments: Reach the Highest Peak of Human Beauty, Talent, and Overcome Plagues Successfully!" you will find answers and get the huge benefits from it!

Discover Tsunami Life-Saving Networks That Have Never Been Discovered For Millions Of Years! I found a SPECIAL way to escape the waves of death immediately when it suddenly hit! Science has never known this. It helps people overcome tsunamis, storms that cause major floods & even house fires.

The Covid-19 pandemic is not over yet. It is still killing people every day and WHO (World Health Organization) has not yet declared the pandemic over. Find out why Medicine has failed in half since the early days of the pandemic and how to beat COVID-19

The world, Governments and especially Tech companies who are directly struggling to combat fake and false news, disinformation, don't know that there is one special kind of mass killing that is really worse than the above mass shootings

SharIng other articles related to topics like Fake News, God's Anxiom Day events, etc.
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Read News
- Tình Mình Như Nắng – Jelong3in1 – Nhạc & Lời: Jelong #nghenhachay
- Tình Luôn Còn Mãi – Jelong3in1 – Nhạc & Lời: Jelong #nghenhachay
- “Hỡi Người Của Ta” – LK Nhac Tre Sôi Động Khuấy Động Mùa Hè Của Jelong3in1!
- NÀNG COCO CHAMBO – Nhạc Jelong3in1 – MV Bài Hát Kim Cương Vàng (Official) – lk nhac tre
- (Audio LK Nhac Tre) LK Nhạc Trẻ Mới Nhất “NGẪM KHÚC TÌNH YÊU” – Nhạc Jelong3in1
- (MV LK Nhac Tre) Liên Khúc “Ngẫm Khúc Tình Yêu” – Nhạc Jelong3in1 (Official)
- (Trích Đoạn LK Nhac Tre) Bài Hát “Yêu Thương Ơi” – Nhạc Jelong3in1
- (Audio LK Nhac Tre) LK Nhạc Trẻ Mới Nhất “YÊU THƯƠNG ƠI” – Nhạc Jelong3in1
- (MV LK Nhac Tre) Liên Khúc “Yêu Thương Ơi” – Nhạc Jelong3in1 (Official)
- Thưởng Thức Liên Khúc Nhạc Trẻ Mới Nhất Jelong3in1 – Hãy Sống Với Tình Yêu Đẹp & Chung Thuỷ!
- Happy God Anxiom’s Day! – The Seventh Event: 20 January 2024
- The Only Way To Check Real or Fake News
- What is fake news and how to define disinformation?
- Ride and Survive Mega Tsunami – One of The Deadliest Natural Disasters
- How tsunami life saving network save grandmother 2 grandchildren?
- How To Ride The Tsunami and For The Best, How To Make Waves of Death Save You?
- Letter About ‘Anxiom’, 20/Jan/2017
- About God Anxiom’s (Prep) Day – 20/Jan
- God Anxiom’s (Prep) Day – 20/Jan/Yearly and 20/Monthly: The Day Against Megatsunami and The Day For God’s Blessings!
Holy Grail
People has been searching for God’s Treasure because they always believe that it will:
Bring them boundless power that no one can imagine. Many others believe that possessing the Holy Grail will grant the possessor exceptional talent.
Bring them huge luck, especially in financial matters.
Bring them a trading or an investing method or a great secret of "Fight a hundred battles, win all those hundred" that helps them always win the financial markets (such as stock, forex or coin market). Traders and Investors will not be afraid of losing money
With God’s Treasure in hands, they (the Holy Grail Owner) can become the richest person in the world.
Give them a life of eternal affluence. The owner will never worry about poverty and won’t fear of lack or loss of money any longer.
So, how can we find this Legendary Treasure?

The Legendary Holy Grail of God
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