FInding Out A Way To CHeck Fake News?
How to check real or fake news?

- The Only Way To Check Real or Fake NewsHow to check real or fake news and avoid their serious damages, consequences
- FAKE NEWS, HIDDEN MASS KILLINGS AND MY CHALLENGEThe world, Governments and especially Tech companies who are directly struggling to combat fake and false news, disinformation, don’t know that there is one special kind of mass killing that is really worse than the above mass shootings. No gun, no bullets, but it can kill millions of people quietly and hiddenly. What is it?
- What is fake news and how to define disinformation?The biggest Tech companies in the world Facebook, Google, Twitter, Amazon and Governments of many countries have been incapable of solving this problem of fake news. So, how can disinformation, fake news be solved to the every roots successfully?