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Discover Tsunami Life-Saving Networks That Have Never Been Discovered For Millions Of Years!
“Don’t Think Waves of Death Can’t Reach You”
“Don’t Wait To Apply My Proved Solutions UNTIL You Face The Death!”
~Khuong Dat Long~
Movie world, game world and photoshopped pictures gave us a frightening felling when we watch the most terrible waves of death.

Image. A Megatsunami occurred in movie “Deep Impact”1
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In reality, 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami “the fourth most powerful earthquake in the world since modern record-keeping began in 1900”2 with “waves that may have reached heights of up to 40.5 metres (133 ft) in Miyako in
Tōhoku's Iwate Prefecture”3 caused “15,896 deaths, 6,157 injured, and 2,537 people missing across twenty prefectures”4 .

Image. The tsunami was triggered by the Tohoku earthquake (Japan)5
On 28 September 2018, Sulawesi (Indonesia) earthquake and tsunami6 led to the deaths of at least 2,256 people, 10,679 injured and 1,075 missing. “Residents of Palu reported waves with heights of more than 2 metres”7 .
Just with 2 metre high waves, a tsunami can kill thousands of lives and make lives of millions of people become miserable.
Disastrous Truths
Unfortunately, tsunamis like Tōhoku and Sulawesi ones are just nothing to a Megatsunami with “an initial wave amplitude (height) measured in several tens, hundreds, or possibly thousands of metres.” 8

Image. Will this Megatsunami never occur in real life9?
Tsunami is one of the most terrible disasters to human beings.
Megatsunami is real and humans will never want to face these deadliest waves.
World's Tallest Tsunami is a tsunami with a record run-up height of 1720 feet (524 meters)10 occurred in Lituya Bay, Alaska
Late Warning Sirens
It’s useless solving this most horrible problem by fighting against waves of death.
What is the world doing to protect humans from being drown by the deadliest waves?

Those above instructions are very necessary to make you safer and increase survival opportunities in a tsunami.
However, waves of deaths often kill people at the most unexpected time and many people cannot outrun a tsunami!
Scientists affirm: “At a water depth of 40 m, the speed would be 20 m/s (about 72 km/h or 45 mi/h), which is much slower than the speed in the open ocean but the wave would still be difficult to outrun”11
That’s why the deadliest tsunami - the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, which occurred on December 26, 2004, in Sumatra, Indonesia - took an estimated 227,898 lives in 14 countries12.
Because science can’t always make accurate tsunami forecasts and people cannot always outrun unexpected tsunamis, the waves of death can take so many lives like that!
How to escape from a sudden tsunami?
My rescuing way, especially Tsunami Life-Saving Systems will always/automatically remind people of unexpected tsunamis even though they can’t see sea or any warning signs!
Is a tsunami warning siren a ‘savior’ that can save people successfully?

Image. Tsunami warning siren13
It all depends.
In the event of 2018 Sulawesi (Indonesia) earthquake and tsunami14 “It is too late for central Sulawesi, where walls of water up to 6 meters (20 feet) high and a magnitude 7.5 earthquake killed at least 832 people in the cities of Palu and Donggala, tragically highlighting the weaknesses of the existing warning system and low public awareness about how to respond to warnings.”15 reported
{“To me this is a tragedy for science, even more so a tragedy for the Indonesian people as the residents of Sulawesi are discovering right now,” said Louise Comfort, a University of Pittsburgh expert in disaster management who has led the U.S. side of the project, which also involves engineers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and Indonesian scientists and disaster experts.”}16
Scientists and disaster experts and tsunami warning systems in the world cannot ensure the accuracy of all of Tsunami predictions. They can make incorrect predictions and one of the worst forecasts is: giving no warnings or late ones for an approaching tsunami!

Image. Is this an approaching tsunami or just a normal wave17?
On 23 December 2018, another tsunami occurred in Sunda, Indonesia and people (including Seventeen band and more than 100 staffs of PLN company) were swept away by this accidental tsunami.

Image. The band and others were swept away suddenly while playing music on stage18
(Liên kết xem video:
Late sirens and silent sounds can take hundreds of thousands of lives.
This is just the same as the beauty, talent and discrimination problems mentioned in Chapter 1 of this ebook: people’s silence or neglect -“silent sounds”- makes the problems get worse and worse!
Even if scientists and disaster experts can predict an approaching tsunami correctly and the warning systems can work well, can people always outrun waves of deaths successfully?
Although science has got its great progress and achieved amazing achievements since the human prehistory20 (which is the period between the use of the first stone tools c. 3.3 million years ago), unfortunately, science (and tech, too) is NOT a miracle and humans beings still have surrendered to tsunamis, not to mention a megatsunami.
People often think of the Apocalypse - the complete final destruction of the world - when thinking about the hugest waves of death.
Many people in the world cannot live far from the sea.
Maritime services, sea freight services or sea travels, macroeconomic, population distribution and other activities ‘force’ people to live and work near seas and along coasts.
Where can Japaneses go to live if they want to avoid tsunamis forever?

Image. It’s not difficult to understand why tsunamis often hit Japan easily21
So, can we escape from and survive a tsunami (especially a sudden one) and even a megatsunami successfully?
My answer is: YES.
But how?
1 Image source:
2 Source:
3 Source:
4 Source:
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10 Learn more:
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20 About prehistory:
21 Image source: