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Discover Tsunami Life-Saving Networks That Have Never Been Discovered For Millions Of Years!

“Don’t Think Waves of Death Can’t Reach You”


“Don’t Wait To Apply My Proved Solutions UNTIL You Face The Death!”


~Khuong Dat Long~

          Build Tsunami Life-Saving Systems To Ride And Escape From Tsunamis Successfully!


People all over the world have NOT discovered and applied this system/network (including emergency exits) for millions of years and since humans used science!


So, can we escape from and survive a tsunami or even a megatsunami successfully?

My answer is: YES.

However, the word “YES” is only for people who can meet the following important requirements which I will explain.

What does it mean? 


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I have to affirm one disastrous Truth: Anyone (including you) will lose life if using my rescuing way WITHOUT meeting special requirements.

Just the opposite, you will ride and survive a tsunami (even a megatsunami) successfully!

 So, what is my rescuing way?

An Unexpected Emergency Exit

After a tsunami, how did scenes look like?

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Image. After 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami1

The scene was so terrible.

 And here are some different scenes after tsunamis:

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Image. Earthquakes and a Tsunami2

 in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, Saturday, Sept. 29, 2018

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Image. The damage caused at least 832 dead in Indonesia tsunami, many trapped after earthquake, tsunami hit Indonesia on September 29, 2018 (Reuters)3

Watch the following video and you’ll see the scenes after a tsunami more clearly.

Pay attention to houses when you watch it.

Video URL:

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Image. The tsunami hit Palu, Indonesia4



Watch the following video and you will see a big difference between before and after a tsunami:

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Image. (Jan. 6, 2005) - An aerial view of Tsunami-stricken Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia after 2004 INDIAN OCEAN EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI5



{The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, officially called Sumatra–Andaman earthquake, occurred at 00:58:53 UTC on 26 December, with an epicentre off the west coast of northern Sumatra. It was an undersea megathrust6 earthquake that registered a magnitude of 9.1–9.3}7

{The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake (moment magnitude 9.1–9.3) triggered a series of tsunamis on 26 December 2004, killing approximately 227,898 people (167,540 in Indonesia alone), making it the deadliest tsunami and one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history.}8 

What can you see through those above pictures and videos?

When I saw them online, God showed me a very important thing!


After those terrible disasters, we clearly see that: there were many houses still enduring through such tsunamis!

 Watch the following video and you can see many enduring houses after a sudden tsunami hit Java and Sumatra (Indonesia) on 22 December 2018:

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Video link:


I saw an emergency exit in a tsunami.

God showed me the exit that has never been seen and applied by any country in the world.

If this emergency exit had been found before, many victims could have been saved and safe after tsunamis had passed.

So, what are the unexpected emergency exits I saw?


‘Deadly Boxes’


If you are the person who can stand up on waves of death, you HAVE TO KNOW AND APPLY THE FIRST REQUIREMENT: Build The Emergency Exits!.

 Why and How must you do that?

 People all over the world (especially those who were and are living in countries suffering tsunamis) don’t know  about ‘Deadly Boxes’.

When a tsunami comes, tsunami torrents with its huge powers will hit everything on its way.

If you cannot run fast enough (outrun) to avoid the tsunami or if you are staying inside a house or an office, you will face two main deadly points:

1. Drowning

2. Things around you will hit you strongly


Obviously, when an accidental tsunami comes, people are often staying at their homes or working in their company offices. They are also driving in cars on streets.

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Image. (illustration only) – What will occur if a sudden tsunami comes (no warning

sirens or late warnings) while people are still working normally9?


What does that mean?

It means:


If you are OUTSIDE these ‘boxes’ (you are staying out of your house and office), you will have many opportunities in order to run away from a tsunami (if tsunami warnings are made correctly and early!)

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Image. ‘Deadly Boxes’10


In reality, there were a lot of victims who died fast because they couldn’t run away waves of deaths while they were staying inside their houses, offices and cars.

The worst thing, those victims COULDN’T know what was happening to them because they COULDN’T see the waves when staying inside ‘deadly boxes’.


In fact, many people who are OUTSIDE the ‘boxes’ also cannot run fast enough to avoid deadly waves (for example, children and elders).

Therefore, how can people run and escape from the deadly waves if they are staying inside those ‘sealed boxes’ (houses or buildings)?


Real estate (houses, offices, buildings, etc…) and cars, buses…are really the ‘deadly boxes’ to humans in a disaster like tsunami.

Once waves of death come unexpectedly, these ‘boxes’ exactly will be burial graves!


Life-Saving Systems: A Network of Unexpected Emergency Exits

I call these systems ‘Tsunami Life-Saving Network’


How to survive when you are INSIDE a ‘deadly box’ and you cannot know about a approaching tsunami?

The following way is the emergency exit and it is one of four most important requirements that will help you “ride the tsunami” and survive.

This exit hasn’t ever been discovered and applied by any country in the world.

Please look at the following picture again and pay attention to my question:

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Why don’t we PERFORATE Roofs to avoid/stand up on the tsunami?


Here’s the emergency exit:

4-2-Picture1-en (2)

Look at the above picture and you will see that if you make emergency exits on your roof, you will have great opportunities to survive when a tsunami passes.


In other words, when you build your house or office, you always should:

1. make one or two holes large enough on roofs (called exit doors) in order to get through the holes. They are your and your family’s escape places. Here’s some first notice:

§ The holes should be hidden (using the same roof color) and protected from inside by latches or things with same functions (for house security).

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Image. The simplest emergency exit (illustration)11

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Image. This normal terrace should be built with emergency exits (illustration) 12

ü If you use locks with keys to lock the exit doors, you will easily meet troubles with these locks (for example, when a tsunami comes suddenly, you will climb up to the roof by opening the exit door. If you lose keys or cannot open the locks at that time, you will be faced with dangers.

ü Therefore, you should use latches instead of locks as long as your house is well protected and it’s very easy for you to open the exit door (from inside) and climb up to the roof to avoid floods, huricanes (causing floods), house fires and tsunamis.

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Image (illustration). Latches13 for the door exits

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Image (illustration). A simple Latch14 for locking a door of the emergency exit

from inside your house



§ You can build a flat roof for a better exit

§ You can build a terrace and make escape places which are connected with ladders

2. For each roof hole you build, make a ladder leading from ground floor (or the lowest floor) straight to the roof. (no matter what how many floors you have)

ü Example: if your house has 3 floors, ladders made inside MUST lead from ground floor straight to roof. These ladders must be through floors

ü Exit ladders should be different from stairs and elevators

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§ When a tsunami comes unexpectedly, use these ladders to climb up the roof to avoid the tsunami!

§ The ladders must be fixed with the roofs.

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Image. The emergency exit with an INSIDE LADDER for you to

climb up the roof in order to avoid a tsunami (illustration)15 


(If warning sirens are made correctly and you can outrun on time [chance factors, more or less] and if you can find higher places, DON’T use this emergency exit! Just go to higher places as you can.)

(Just the opposite, you must use this exit when a tsunami comes unexpectedly)

§ The best thing happens: if your house/office is flooded because waves pour in the house, you have the best exit above you (the roof holes/exit doors); you can swim to reach the ladder and escape). WITHOUT this emergency exit, you will die fast inside your ‘deadly box’ as I explained above. And I will show you more great tools below.

§ You also have to make ladders outside your house/office. These ladders also lead from ground straight to the roof

4-2-Picture1 (18)

Image. The emergency exit with an OUTSIDE LADDER for you to

climb up the roof  in order to avoid a tsunami (illustration)16 

You can use a simpler ladder instead.


3. All ladders MUST BE equipped with one or more lifebuoys, life jackets (and foods if you want). When a tsunami comes, you climb up the ladders and take lifebuoys, lifejackets and foods with you.

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Image. The INSIDE and OUTSIDE LADDERS equipped with lifebuoys, life-jackets

 and/or foods (for example, equipped with canned foods for inside ladders only) for

 you to climb up the roof in order to avoid a tsunami (illustration)


This tsunami emergency exit will help you avoid waves of death immediately even though you are staying at home or office.


This exit will help you have great opportunities to:

 avoid tsunami torrents, especially accidental tsunamis, with its huge powers. Avoiding drowning.

§ Without this emergency exit, you will die fast because of staying inside a ‘sealed box’. If your roof doesn’t have any hole, how can you escape and go to a higher place?

§  With my rescuing way, you will have emergency exits, climb up the roof and take a lifebuoy, a life jacket and reserved

foods. Just think of this: when you have a lifebuoy and/or a life jacket in a tsunami, what a great chance to survive the disaster!

§ Thousands of years, most of tsunami victims died without lifebuoys and life-jackets, right?

 Avoid things around hit you strongly.

§ Of course, when you are on the house/office roof, you will avoid things swept away below.

 Avoid starving.

§ With foods and beverages reserved, you will have things to eat and drink when the tsunami passes.

 Avoid other disasters such as a hurricane (causing flood), massive flood and a house fire

§ Simply, when a house fire occurs, people often die because they are inside a ‘sealed box’ (their houses/offices) and cannot escape from it.

§ With my tsunami life-saving systems, people can escape from the house fire by climbing out through their roofs or their windows and climbing down to stay out of the fire.

§ You should make OUTSIDE ladders near your windows. This will help you climb up to avoid a tsunami and a flood, a hurricane (causing flood); climb out through the windows to stay away a house fire.

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Image (illustration)17. My tsunami emergency exit. The OUTSIDE LADDERS made near windows will help you climb up to avoid a tsunami and a flood, a hurricane (causing floods); climb out through the windows to stay away a house fire.You just build this emergency exits in- and outside your house/office from now. When disasters such as tsunamis, floods, hurricanes (causing floods) and house fires occur, you have great opportunities to escape from them successfully. Without this emergency exits, countless numbers of humans died because of ‘deadly boxes’!



§ If you can escape from a tsunami, why can’t you do that to a flood?

§ Tsunami life-saving networks can save people from disasters like floods in Hurricane Katrina (USA) that occurred in August 2005.  At least 1,836 people died in the hurricane and subsequent floods, making Katrina the deadliest United States hurricane since the 1928 Okeechobee hurricane

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Image. 9th ward flooding Katrina in America18

Do you see ‘sealed boxes’ killing people here?


 Save others who are OUTSIDE your house/office. Saving others is saving yourself.

§ Just think about this: when you make ladders outside your house, other people (your neighbors, passersby or yourself) also can climb up the roof from outside your house and avoid waves of death.

§ If someone (for example, your neighbors or friends) also knows this rescuing way, they also start to make ladders outside their house; when you are a passerby who are crossing their houses, a sudden tsunami appears and you can climb up on their OUTSIDE LADDERS to avoid tsunami torrents. Inside their houses, they also climb up the roofs by using INSIDE LADDERS.


ð That means both of you (you and they) are saved. You make outside ladders and others can use them. Others do the same and you can use their outside ones.

ð Saving others is saving yourself.


That explains the emergency exits are really tsunami life-saving network/system.

Around you is a life-saving system.

You and people also can climb the ladders, take lifebuoys, life-jackets and foods to avoid waves of death.

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(The above emergency exit is the simplest one and you can improve it. However, keep it as simple as possible because it’s for people (everyone can build it in their houses/offices) and everything needs to work correctly and effectively, especially when an unexpected tsunami or flood, hurricane (causing flood) or house fire appears.)


Look at the below video at the time 22:10 and you will see what the tsunami life-saving systems can do to save an old man (on the left screen) who was trying to climb up a wall without any outside emergency ladder.

If there had been an emergency ladder built outside the office near him, he could have had an amazing opportunity to avoid the wave on that day (2011 Japan tsunami)

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Video Link:


If you are the person who can meet four most important requirements and with the emergency exit I’ve just revealed, you will ABSOLUTELY escape from the tsunami successfully!


What proves my affirmation true?


The reality. The world and its history.

Just look at this again:

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Image19. You can see: there were NO emergency exits made on roofs here. These houses were ‘deadly boxes’ actually!

How many people could have escaped from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami

(if the tsunami life-saving network had been applied here?)



After the deadliest Indian Ocean tsunami that killed approximately 227,898 people, many houses were still enduring as you can see.


That means: many people could have been saved if the emergency exits and tsunami life-saving networks had been built!


Even if those houses are swept away, my rescuing way still can save people because my God instructed me to find a way to escape from the deadliest waves. I’ll discuss it in next parts.


If someone who had been able to meet four most important requirements and build the emergency exit as I showed above, they could have been survived. On that deadly day, they could have climbed up the roof and waited for the fading tsunami.

Just look at the above picture, how many enduring house roofs can you count?


If those victims had known about tsunami emergency exits, how many people can you think they could have survived?


You, if you are the person can satisfy four requirements, you can’t but ride the tsunami and live in peace!


In a tsunami, a lifebuoy or a lifejacket can become a ‘savior’ saving your life and my tsunami emergency exits (ladders equipped with lifebuoys, lifejackets and even reserved foods) absolutely bring you huge opportunities to survive successfully.


The best thing, the emergency exits, especially ladders, will always alert people to the dangers of sudden tsunamis as I said in the previous part of this chapter:

“My rescuing way, especially Tsunami Life-Saving Systems will always/automatically remind people of unexpected tsunamis even though they can’t see sea or any warning signs!


Simply, just imagine: everyday, everytime, you always see the emergency ladders made inside and outside your house. These ladders equipped with lifebuoys, lifejackets will always/automatically ‘warn’ you about a tsunami, right?


Without the emergency exits, you and others will not have wariness of unexpected disasters

That means: when you have cautions about unexpected disasters, you will know to prepare to deal with those disasters carefully and that will bring you huge opportunity helping and saving you.


What proves my affirmations correct and true?


The reality showed clearly: the deadliest tsunamis took so many lives just because humans hadn’t been aware of them until those disasters happened!



The 1st important question: If you are living in a city or a place where is far away from sea coasts, do you need to worry about a tsunami and build the emergency exits?

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To experts, “tsunamis can travel as far as 10 miles (16 km) inland, depending on the shape and slope of the shoreline.”21


In the best case (if a tsunami cannot reach your location), the emergency exits (tsunami life-saving network) can help you escape from dangerous hurricanes (causing floods), floods and house fires (as explained above)


In the worst case (if a tsunami can reach your location), the emergency exits also can help you escape from dangerous tsunamis, floods, hurricanes and house fires (as explained above)


In short, the emergency exits also can save you from other disasters besides tsunamis.



“Don’t Think Waves of Death Can’t Reach You”



Is this emergency exit all you need to stand up on a tsunami (and other disasters like floods)?

Is this exit the prerequisite and a miracle that can save you from waves of death?

Can it save all of people in all of situations of the disaster?


I have to affirm that: even when you have the best emergency exits, WITHOUT The Following Most Important Things, you also can’t always escape from disasters.

You will understand this when reading six reasons, especially the sixth one in the next part.

Do you wonder: “If waves reach heights that are too high and much higher than houses or buildings, what to do?

In this case, you MUST use a miracle tool.




The 2nd important question: If you are renting a house or an apartment where you cannot build the emergency exit, what do you need to do?


Just look at the following picture:

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I’m renting an old house with wood panel ceilings in Ho Chi Minh city,

Vietnam and I always put those items

(a ladder+a life-jacket+a lifebuoy+an axe/hammer+foods) near a place

where I can easily PERFORATE and DESTROY ceilings and roof then

climb up the roof in preparation for the ‘fight’

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This is my inside ladder which I put near the water tank

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You should also prepare canned supplies for your family (remember to choose items with a long expiry date). I prepared my favorite foods.

Actually, you can use them when needed and BUY NEW ITEMS TO REPLACE USED ONES. So, you not only have foods when you are in need but also have necessary supplies for overcoming disasters. Such a convenient thing!

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I also made an outside ladder. I bought two lifebuoys and two life jackets.



Vietnam has never been faced with a tsunami until now.

Most of Vietnamese don’t think of a tsunami hitting their living places and it’s so ridiculous if you tell them there will be waves of death hitting big cities like Ha Noi or Ho Chi Minh city.


But I don’t think so.

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Vietnam’s Big Cities22. Many places are not far from beaches


Can I foresee a disaster which will sweep everything in Ho Chi Minh city?


In fact, I don’t care if a tsunami can occur in Vietnam or not.

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Horrible disasters often come unexpectedly.

Humans often die from lack of careful preparation.


It’s always the best when you have a good preparation.


If you are a careful person, you also should buy Disaster or Catastrophe Insurance.


If your landlord doesn’t want you to destroy (perforate) his/her roof, you also should prepare necessary items just like me.

When the disaster comes, you have available lifesavers to save yourself and family immediately!

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Definitely, the tsunami life-saving systems can save a lot of people.

If US government, Tech companies (especially Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google) and related people (especially who received my emails amnd letters) had warned and let people know about the solution (The tsunami life-saving networks, tsunami emergency exits), people would not have needed to “break roofs with hammers” as they did.


During the disaster like hurricane Dorian, you will face sudden incidents (which you cannot know well), worst emotions and because of lack of good preparation, you don’t have mentally prepare. This make surviving disaster get harder.


“Don’t Wait To Apply My Proved Solutions

UNTIL You Face The Death!”


The 3rd important question: If you are living in/renting an apartment or a flat having many floors (you cannot build the emergency exits in- and outside it), how can you survive if a tsunami or a flood comes unexpectedly?


It depends on the room position you are staying.


An Apartment itself is a lifesaver (if you can run up to the terrace at the right time. But not all of people can do that when an unexpected tsunami or a masive flood comes).


If you are living in an apartment and staying on any floor, you always have lifesavers (ladders+ life-jackets+ lifebuoys+ hammers/axes+ and/or canned foods) with you.


For example, when the tsunami/flood water level rises high and you cannot run fast up to the apartment terrace, you can open your room windows, take lifesavers with you, WAIT for the right time and jump into the water. Then, you will swim and find a better and higher places to survive.

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That’s the reason you should always prepare and have lifesavers with you!

No matter where you are living.

But you should jump only when the water level can reach your position

Or jump when you feel safe.

(Illustrated by Khuong Dat Long)


In fact, this is the main solution for people who are living, working in big apartments or buildings. The building terraces cannot hold so many people.


So, this solution can really save a lot of people. Instead of staying in ‘deadly boxes’, my solution will help you find a place to escape the disaster.


Even if you are a lazy person, take advantage of water level rising!

The waves of death or the flood will rise and automatically ‘push’ you up the terrace (or higher places)!


Don’t panic23 and you will have great opportunities to survive the disaster.




Obviously, I have just shown you the miracle:

God’s 7 Beauty Commandments and my Tsunami life-saving networks really make your ‘biggest foes’ (tsunami or massive flood) become one of the best lifesavers.

Rising of the tsunami or flood water levels will be able to save you in this case!

Make waves of death save you!


To Science and Tech and people in the world: when tsunami or flood water levels are rising, they will face the death.

To me (under God’s special instructions): when tsunami or flood water levels are rising, people even can escape from the death easily!


It depends on the power of water flow. Of course, if the water flow is strong, you should find and reach a better place. Be flexible!



Although emergency exits, a lifebuoy or a life-jacket may be considered a miracle when you face waves of death, the emergency exit I revealed above is not the prerequisite.


Science and Tech are NOT the miracle and the prerequisite in a disaster like tsunami.

Science did appear c. 3.3 million years ago. In spite of its great progress and achievements, science still has surrendered tsunamis until now.

Tsunami warning systems are not perfect.


Tsunami forecasts still have made serious mistakes. {“To me this is a tragedy for science, even more so a tragedy for the Indonesian people as the residents of Sulawesi are discovering right now,” said Louise Comfort, a University of Pittsburgh expert in disaster management who has led the U.S. side of the project, which also involves engineers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and Indonesian scientists and disaster experts.”}24 .


However, science and technology can help humans a lot in disasters and they can make difficult situations become easier to deal with.


So, if science surrenders tsunamis, if the emergency exit isn’t the prerequisite, what will be the prerequisite to ride and stand up on a tsunami?









1. Think about ‘Deadly Boxes’ around you.

Ø If a tsunami appears suddenly (without any warning sirens) and you don’t see anywhere higher than your roof , where can you outrun it successfully?

Ø If you are staying inside your house, how can you run away from it?

Ø If you are outside your house/office, you are walking or driving on streets, what will you do if waves of death occur in front of you?

Ø While climbing up ladders, what will you take with you?


Just think about my emergency exits and tsunami life-saving network, then answer those above questions by yourself.


2. Try walking on streets around your area where you are living. You will see what great chances you and others have if the tsunami emergency exits are built. These emergency exits can save you and people from a tsunami, a flood, a hurricane or a house fire.

3. If you really want to build the tsunami emergency exits to avoid disasters, make OUTSIDE ladders as I did. Save others who are OUTSIDE your house/office. Saving others is saving yourself.

4. After building tsunami emergency exits successfully (read instructions I showed you above), practice your tsunami/flood/hurricane/house fire escape plan.

Ø Just imagine: if a tsunami comes suddenly, what will you do?

Ø Test the tsunami emergency exits carefully until you absolutely feel safe and confident.

5. If you cannot build the emergency exits (because you are renting a house/apartment), always have lifesavers with you

Ø If you are living in an apartment and staying on any floor, you always have lifesavers (ladders+ life-jackets+ lifebuoys+ hammers/axes+ canned foods) with you.

Ø Put them in the best place where you can easily perforate or destroy roofs (if staying in a house) or where you can easily get out of your room and take them with you (if staying in a apartment)

6. Tell people and your beloved ones about this solution!

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Ø One day, you can be saved by people who you told.

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1 Image source from this video:

2 Image source:

3 Image source:

4 Image source:

5 Image source:,_Sumatra,_Indonesia.jpg

6 A sudden slip along a fault between a subducting and an overriding plate; results in a major earthquake

7 About the disaster:

8 About the disaster:

9 Photo by Shridhar Gupta on Unsplash

10 Image source:,_Sumatra,_Indonesia.jpg

11 Image source:

12 Image source:

13  Image source:

14  Image source:

15  Image source:

16  Image source:

17  Image made by Khuong Dat Long. Vectors are from

18  Image source:

19  Image source:,_Sumatra,_Indonesia.jpg

20  Image source:

21  Source:

22  Image source:

23  I will show you how God’s 7 Beauty Commandments help you overcome fear and panic in next parts.

24  Source:

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