Find Out PROVEN SOLUTIONS through The Most Honest Testimonials
vital proofs
No testimonials are better than REAL WORLD EVENTS (Reality)
that occured and proved My Solutions True and Correct.

What Events In The World Happened?
12 vital proofs
world events
During the years of completing and continuously updating the e-book "God's 7 Beautiful Commandments", people have witnessed my affirmations being realized in the lives of people around the world.
Important events taking place in the world confirmed the important solutions I wrote about in the e-book.
There are 'testimonials' whose value can save countless lives, including you.
#1. 2017 Women’s March (since January 21, 2017)
At least, over 5 million people who marched all over the world (over 80 countries) prove my following affirmation correct and true
"If you discriminate against others (because of prejudices), treat them based on discrimination and you consider that as an ‘anxiom’ (axiom), the world (people and God) will automatically discriminate against you by your own ‘anxiom’ "
(Khuong Dat Long)
#2. A U.K Parliament to debate Trump state visit after 1.8 million sign petition (in Feb 7th 2017)
The petition, which falls short of calling for Trump to be banned from the UK. This event proves that:
"The worst thing, actually they are objecting to themselves although they don’t perhaps recognize that. Reason? Behaving unkindly or even cruelly towards people (because of their prejudices) indicates they “voluntarily allow” others to do the same "
(Khuong Dat Long)
#3. FBI Investigation (March 6 2017)
FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation joins investigation into shooting of Sikh man in Seattle suburb who says gunman told him to 'get out of our country. This real story occured after my following affirmation:
"Before the bad has to pay for their cruel actions, there will be a lot of good and innocent people who will have to suffer the consequences heavily from people’s silence, neglect. It’ll be a heavier price they who knew how and what to do but do nothing will have to pay. "
(Khuong Dat Long)
#4. The August 11–12 2017 rally was organized to protest the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue
The 4th time, my following affirmation becomes Truth. (I wrote this in the 8thupdate of my ebook in March, 19 2017). The event took place in Charlottesville, Virginia (called Charlottesville rally from August 11–12, 2017.
“If You do nothing, the longer time passes, the worse the problems and consequences will become. Therefore, Solving the problems will become more complicated and You’ll certainly have to pay a heavier price!”
(Khuong Dat Long)
#5. 2017 Fresno Shootings (April 18 2017)
On April 18, 2017, a shooting spree occurred in Fresno, California, leaving three men dead. "The accused shooter – who had posted about Black Lives Matter and allegedly told police he “hates white people” – was named as Kori Muhammad (Kori Ali Muhammad)" “If You do nothing, the longer time passes, the worse the problems and consequences will become..."
(Khuong Dat Long)
#6. “In terms of its public image, 2017 was also the worst year YouTube has ever had" (December 2017)
“More companies are pulling advertising from YouTube over Google’s inability to ensure ads won’t appear next to hateful and offensive content.”; "...big brands threatened a full scale boycott of YouTube after learning that their advertising was being played alongside racist and offensive videos"
My affirmation: “It’ll be a heavier price they who knew how and what to do but do nothing will have to pay.”
(Khuong Dat Long)
#7. Some sciential thing that has strongly developed has caused serious problems that harm human life badly (2018)

Look at the 6th proof again, you absolutely see my affirmation correct:
“Science, Knowledge can help our life get better. The more science develops, the more benefits we can get. However, there have been many vital things that couldn’t be solved by science only. Even some sciential thing that has strongly developed has caused serious problems that harm human life badly. "
(Khuong Dat Long)
#8. The Christchurch mosque shootings in New Zealand, (during Friday Prayer on 15 March 2019)
After two consecutive terrorist killed 50 people and injured 50 others at mosques in Christchurch and media reports as a white supremacist and part of the alt-right, I recalled of the event Charlottesville rally which took place from August 11–12, 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA.
The August 11–12 rally was organized to protest the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue and was a white supremacist rally.
When I updated my old ebook on 20th August 2017, on page 54 I wrote that:
"If people, the government and president of the United States do/want to ignore the above Truth, people will have to witness consequences that will be worse than ones happening in Charlottesville, Virginia (called Charlottesville rally) from August 11–12, 2017"
(Khuong Dat Long)
And then, The Christchurch mosque shootings in New Zealand "described in media reports as a white supremacist and part of the alt-right" (wiki) occurred and proved that affirmation of mine true.
#9. The Independent: "Measles outbreak: How fake news is fuelling US health emergency" (April 2019)

{“The Vaccine Safety Handbook” appears innocuous, a slick magazine for parents who want to raise healthy children. But tucked inside its 40 pages are false warnings that vaccines cause autism and contain cells from aborted human foetuses.
...On Tuesday, Mayor Bill de Blasio declared a public health emergency in parts of Brooklyn in an effort to contain the spread of measles in ultra-Orthodox neighbourhoods there. He said unvaccinated individuals would be required to receive the measles vaccine — or be subjected to a fine — as the city escalated its campaign to stem the outbreak.}
If you finish reading my 5th letter (FAKE NEWS, HIDDEN MASS KILLINGS AND MY CHALLENGE), you know my affirmation: "No gun, no bullets, but it can kill millions of people quietly and hiddenly."
In that letter, I said:
...Absolutely, millions of people with cancer in the world will be killed quietly and hiddenly by fake news, false information (NOT chemotherapy!).
...videos with false information of chemotherapy are being still spread over the internet and supported strongly by online platforms.
...A lot of patients did refuse and stop chemo treatments because false information over the internet made them think they were being killed by all of those treatments.
...And this kind of fake news, false information is hidden and it really causes mass killings.
What I said on that letter (posted on 12 June 2018) became true: "this kind of fake news, false information is hidden and it really causes mass killings."
Do you still remember it?
Fake/False News about Health is killing people hiddenly and now people realize that clearly and they are having to raise their voices to stop "mass killings" caused by false health information!
#10. Hurricane Dorian (2019 tropical cyclone): Lively And Vigorous Evidence (1st September 2019)

Hurricane Dorian (image)
“The worst natural disaster in the country's history” which occurred in September 2019 continously proved my solution for surviving tsunamis and floods true and it also showed Governments' slow response to my suggestions.
Occuring on 1st September 2019, “Hurricane Dorian was the most intense tropical cyclone on record to strike the Bahamas, and is regarded as the worst natural disaster in the country's history.” (Wiki)
While science and tech cannot find out a solution which can save people from unexpected tsunamis and floods, I clearly showed (in the second release of this ebook) that: we had to “PERFORATE Roofs To Avoid/Stand Up On The Tsunami”
In real crisis, only when facing deaths, they realized how true my words and solution were. Until they faced the ‘beast’ Dorian “the worst natural disaster in the country's history”: “People told to break roofs with hammers to escape flooding as Hurricane Dorian assaults Bahamas”
#11. (Covid-19) As of Tuesday morning, New York State had 25,665 cases, with 210 deaths. The state now accounts for nearly 7 percent of global cases tallied by The New York Times. (24 March 2020)
Because of Discrimination and hatred, these people didn’t want to wear masks and they had to pretent to be healthy in front of others. People around them couldn’t know about their real health statuses. Many even tried not to cough in front of others because they were afraid of being ostracized. And this was the reason why transmission got worse.
My affirmation was given to public on 1st March 2020 inside my ebook: “Due to discrimination, many coronavirus infected patients don’t dare to wear mask in New York. What will happen if they have to pretent to be a healthy persons, work and meet people inside this city?
Discriminators will be infected and that will kill themselves one day (in either this Covid-19 plague or other future pandemics). Evil Prejudices will ‘kill’ this city without any mercy!”
(Khuong Dat Long)
Because of Discrimination between Infected (Sick) People and Uninfected (Healthy) Ones, Vietnam, USA and others all over the world are suffering deadly consequences.
#12. (Tuesday, 24 March 2020) Global covid-19 cases exceed 388,000 and death toll climbs over 16,800. Nearly 1.7 billion people are blocked (isolated)
On 29 April 2016, I wrote in my first ebook that: "we, religiously affiliated adults and children, and atheists are living together and being influenced by general moral behaviors, law and social relations"
And then, I affirmed in the 11th letter posted on 25 April 2019: “Life is 'connections' and general influences.”
(Khuong Dat Long)
In the 11th letter of mine, I also affirmed that: "You're NOT an Outsider"
In this Covid-19, those affirmations of mine became Truth.
Life is 'connections'. Not only health but also other aspects (including relations, money, jobs, cultures, economy, etc...) are affecting everyone.
Therefore, you canNOT be an Outsider (no matter who you are).
Discrimination (especially Discrimination against Infected/Sick People) is one of the most important reasons that makes Covid-19 become a deadly pandemic.
Before Covid-19 and even after the fatal pandemic, if you think "solving discrrimination, hate speech, fake news, not my business!", you will have to pay the heaviest price.
Unfortunately, many people (including Governments, medical authorities, the largest social platforms, CEOs' Tech companies, artists, religious leaders, and other individuals all over the world) SKIPPED my words and now all of them are having to pay deadly prices!
The virus Sars-Cov-2 is the clearest proof showing that: YOU ARE NEVER AN OUTSIDER! (No matter who and where you are)

“I know a lot of people who have had a huge confusion in life: God and Science.
Believing in God (The Trinity-Jesus/Buddha/Allah/Maitreya/…) is difficult while believing in Science is much easier.
Science, Knowledge can help our lives get better. The more science develops, the more benefits we can get.
However, there have been many vital things that couldn’t be solved by science only. Even some sciential thing that has strongly developed has caused serious problems that harm human life badly.
All of us, God’s children and atheists, need to have a correct thought on God and
science in order to get huge benefits and greatest things in life.
Finish this e-book and you’ll see that clearly.”
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