(Please download the ebook to read it in its entirety or continue reading below)



Like HIV, The World Lost To COVID-19 From The Beginning

“Without This Special Type of Vaccine, Medicine Is Half-Failed In  Curing Humans”


~Khuong Dat Long~

When a plague passes over (ignores) someone, it means “Passover”


Passover Decals are decals or stickers for alerting people to the danger of deadly disasters such as Tsunamis/Floods/Hurricanes and House Fires.


Before you and people out there can realize that intimate relationship, if you want (your own choice), you can:

1. Choose and print the following designs or make A3 decals (for the best result), then stick them on walls inside and outside your house/office where you can see them easily.

 The A3 size print measures 29.7 x 42.0cm, 11.69 x 16.53 inches

 You can use high-quality photo paper to print or for the best result, make A3 decals.

 You should stick one Passover decal inside your house/office on a wall next to your main door. People usually run out of their house when a disaster (like a flood) comes. This special position will easily make you pay attention to the decal.

2. Prepare necessary things such as lifebelts, life-jackets, ladders, canned-foods…which are carefully explained in Chapter 4 of this ebook.

3. Share my ebook, my solutions with people around you and tell them about Passover Decals.

 At the same time, please Tell/Warn them about/of Discrimination between Sick (Infected/Suspected) People and Healthy (Uninfected) Ones

 If you are working in organizations such as Governments/Companies/Communities/etc…, please tell them or let your people know about this ebook and especially this chapter. What are being shown in this document can save them one day.

4. When it’s the right time, Passover Decals and other lifesavers will be your ‘savior’ (as long as you follow things shown in Chapters 4 and 5 of this document.)




How To Use Passover Decals?


To understand well, please read chapter 4 after finishing this chapter.


There are 2 main situations to use these Passover decals:

Situation 1: You built Tsunami Life-Saving Systems inside and outside your house/office or building.

§ for example you built it at your own house or at a house you are renting.

Situation 2: You haven’t built or can’t build Tsunami Life-Saving Systems inside and outside your house/office/apartment or building

§ for example you can’t make the emergency exits on your roof because your landlords don’t want you to break their house structures.

§ you can’t make the emergency exits because you are living in an apartment or working in a building with many floors.


Depend on what you prepared and where you are staying or working, choose proper Passover decals and stick them on walls where you can see them every day



Choose and Download Passover Decals here 


Passover Decals’ designs are the first and unique ones, and are only downloaded on:



• The above Passover Decal has the number 4 => you have a full set of rescue gear (lifebelt + life-jacket + ladder + hammer/ax + canned foods + other important belongings => and when a disaster appears, you have the highest safety

• The Disaster symbols indicate that you must immediately follow the instructions of the Decal when a Tsunami/Flood/Hurricane causing flood/House Fire occurs.

• When looking at the decal, you’ll know you have to climb up to open the emergency exit on the roof and bring rescuing equipment with you when a disaster appears suddenly (as guided by the written texts in the Passover Decal) 



If You Are Living or Working At/In A House/Office or A Place That You Can Make The Tsunami Emergency Exits, Choose Proper Passover Decals and Download Them




*Choose two different decals: Inside and Outside Ones. Stick Them On Walls Inside and Outside Your House/Office.

 You should stick one Passover decal inside your house/office on a wall next to your main door. People usually run out of their house when a disaster (like a house fire) comes.

 This special position will easily make you pay attention to the decal.

 For example, when a house fire suddenly occurs and your main door is locked or blocked, this Passover decal will alert you to climb up and destroy/open your house roof and escape the fire immediately. Many people all over the world died of not being able to run out of their houses.

 You should have a few decals inside and outside your house and office.

*Select Passover decals which are suitable for your current preparation and house condition.

1. Choose 2 Decals with number 1: when you have not built Tsunami Emergency Exits inside and outside your house/office; You only prepared ladders + hammer/ax + lifebelt=> please choose decals with number 1.

2. Choose 2 Decals with number 2: when you have not built Tsunami Emergency Exits inside and outside your house/office; You carefully prepared ladders + hammer/ax + lifebelt + life-jacket + canned foods + (other important belongings)=> please choose decals with number 2.

3. Choose 2 Decals with number 3: when you built Tsunami Emergency Exits inside and outside your house/office; You only prepared ladders + lifebelt=> please choose decals with number 3.

4. Choose 2 Decals with number 4: when you built Tsunami Emergency Exits inside and outside your house/office; You carefully prepared ladders + (hammer/ax) + lifebelt + life-jacket + canned foods + (other important belongings)=> please choose decals with number 4.

5. Passover Decals with the highest safety level (No. 5) are not available currently.



Important Note:

 Please print full color for A3 paper size as designed. Don’t print in black and white because it will lose the warning effect.

 The higher the number of safety symbols is, the safer you are.

 Decals with Number 4 indicate you have the best preparation to survive disasters.

 Print them and stick them on the walls where you can easily see them.

 When disasters such as tsunamis/hurricanes (causing floods)/floods or house fires occur suddenly (you can't evacuate in time), these Passover Decals will alert you immediately and you will know what to do.



Choose and Download Passover Decals here



If You Are Living or Working In An Apartment/Building with Many Floors Where You Cannot Make The Tsunami Emergency Exits, Choose Proper Passover Decals and Download Them





*Choose proper Decals. Stick Them On Walls Inside and Outside Your Room in The Apartment/Building.

 You should stick one Passover decal inside your room/office on a wall next to your main door. People usually run out of their house when a disaster (like a tsunami/flood) comes.


*Select Passover decals which are suitable for your current preparation.

§ Choose one or more Decals with number 2: when you only prepared lifebelts => please choose decals with number 2.

§ Choose one or more Decals with number 3: when you carefully prepared lifebelt + life-jacket + canned foods + (other important belongings)=> please choose decals with number 3.

§ Passover Decals with number 1-4-5 are not available.


Important Note:

 Please print full color for A3 paper size as designed. Don’t print in black and white because it will lose the warning effect.

 The higher the number of safety symbols is, the safer you are.

 Passover Decals with Number 3 indicate you have the best preparation to survive disasters.

 Print them and stick them on the walls where you can easily see them.

 When disasters such as tsunamis/hurricanes (causing floods)/floods occur suddenly (you can't evacuate in time), these Passover Decals will alert you immediately and you will know what to do.

 Passover decals for Multi-storey Apartments/Buildings are NOT for the cases of House Fire

 Be careful and flexible when deciding on jumping into the water.



Choose and Download Passover Decals here 





The Second Deadliest Mistake Of Medicine As Well As Governments


In late February 2020, what are WHO and Governments doing to tackle the potential Covid-19 pandemic?

Although they had official instructions to deal with stigma and discrimination, they are still NOT focusing on solving Discrimination (especially the special one against Infected people).

In short, since the coronavirus disease emerged in late December 2019, no one has focused on solving one of the key reasons making the plague more and more fatal!


From 3rd to 17th February 2020, I (and Vietnamese people) received all official notifications from Vietnam’s Ministry of Health (Bo Y Te) via mobile messages.

All messages sent to Vietnamese people focused on how people can protect themselves from being Coronavirus infected and what to do in the Covid-19 outbreak.

These medical instructions came from the latest recommendations of WHO and also were the most important recommendations sent during 15 days.


If you are not Vietnamese, I believe you also received the same recommendations.

Look at the following messages I received from Vietnam’s Ministry of Health


Vietnam’s Ministry of Health, WHO and other medical organizations over the world have had great and noble efforts to notify people of ways to protect themselves from the novel Coronavirus.


However, no information in all the above messages was directly relevant to the fight against Prejudices/Stigma, Anti-Asian Racism and especially Discrimination between Infected and Uninfected People.

That showed that: The world didn’t realize the first deadliest mistake of Medicine and Governments as I mentioned previously.



There are two important questions:


The first question: What if A Medical Vaccine for the Covid-19 is made successfully?

Ø Discrimination (Anti-Asian Racism and Discrimination against Infected People) all over the world will automatically disappear because the disease won’t cause severe damage to our health anymore?

Ø Humans will not need Rule Zero Outbreak and Prejudice Vaccine (God’s 7 Beauty Commandments), won’t they?


The answer would be ‘Yes’ if:

1. The Covid-19 epidemic were the last plague for human beings

2. All diseases in the world disappeared!

3. HIV Stigma and other stigmas did not exist.

4. All types of Prejudices and Discrimination also disappeared.


There are things that medical vaccines and medicine cannot prevent and cure.

Inhuman Discrimination and Prejudices are two of them.


The second question: If a disease which is NOT contagious/infectious, will Rule Zero Outbreak and Prejudice Vaccine be unnecessary?

 Firstly, infectious diseases will always threaten humans’ lives.

 Secondly, diseases that are infectious or not will guilt patients and make them feel weak, unrespected or even discriminated against.

 Thirdly, there are still infectious diseases (such as HIV and Lassa fever, also known as Lassa hemorrhagic fever) which people haven’t still made any vaccine successfully until these days

 Even worse, Measles is the disease which people can get vaccinated to prevent, but this disease with a successful vaccine is still becoming outbreaks now.

 And as I explained in the previous part:

Infection or Noninfectious, all diseases often make us feel weak, unrespected and even discriminated as well as depressed.

Prejudice/Stigma often makes patients with various diseases meet big obstacles in their treatments. Many refused treatments because of avoiding cruel discrimination.

The moral vaccine (Prejudice Vaccine) helps patients (such as people with ‘H’ and cancers patients) feel comfortable, unstressed. That will help them strengthen their immune system, resistance and boost their treatments well.


Infection or No Infection,  diseases (especially severe illness) are always affected by Prejudice and Discrimination.


Even if medical scientists cannot find any effective vaccine for Covid-19 or a typical disease (like HIV/AIDS), the Prejudice vaccine always helps prevent larger and deadlier transmissions caused by The Infection Network.


Covid-19 Infection Network



“Prevention is better than cure.”, we all know it.


Medical Vaccines Have A Inconvertible Role.


Although Medical Vaccines, Rule Zero Outbreak and Prejudice Vaccine are very crucial in dealing with diseases and dangerous pandemics, Medicine still cannot thoroughly solve Covid-19 and other pandemics if without The Second Rule I saw in this Covid-19 fight.


The Rule 0-2 (which is a combination between Rule Zero Outbreak and the second rule) will help Medicine and Governments control and deal with current and future pandemics in the best way.

Rule 0-2 will bring us the best result in tackling the most fatal transmissions.

Without carrying out the rule 0-2 in the first place, people will have to pay the heaviest prices.


When applying the Rule 0-2 for this Covid-19 and other diseases like HIV, people will see its clear effectiveness.

(The Covid-19 transmission in late February 2020 now is getting larger and faster due to this second rule. It is also the second deadliest mistake of Medicine and Governments in dealing with Covid-19 plague)


However, the second rule is only carried out when Rule Zero Outbreak is done first.


Therefore, I cannot reveal the second rule and what the rule 0-2 is at present.

Unless all countries suffering Covid-19 carry out Rule Zero Outbreak and use Prejudice Vaccine at this time, I will not finish the rest of the Rule 0-2.


The earlier the action, the faster and better the result of the fight against Covid-19




The World Is Doing What I Affirmed. 


Before the bad has to pay for their cruel actions, there will be a lot of good and innocent people who will have to suffer the consequences heavily from people’s silence, neglect. It’ll be a heavier price they who knew how and what to do but do nothing will have to pay.


(Khuong Dat Long)


I said that many times.


In this Covid-19 plague or other future pandemics, ‘the bad’ also means infectious agents or germs.


I have created, updated this ebook and provided people with proven solutions since late December 2015.

I have shown people severe problems as well as their deadly consequences mentioned in this whole ebook and my letters.

Many of them (Governments, medical authorities, Tech companies, artists, religious leaders, CEOs, and other individuals in the world) whom I contacted received many warnings of the huge danger of the rising damage level.

Discrimination, fake news, surviving tsunamis, and other disasters are three severe problems they were sincerely asked to raise their voices and take real actions in order to help our societies fight against them and avoid tragic damages.


What did they do and How did they react?


The Covid-19 is the clearest and honest answer.

At this time, this deadly plague is engulfing the world. Discrimination and fake news are now two of the deadliest ‘partners’ of the emerging disease.


Not all of them are people with ‘Cruel Blindness And Muteness’

However, after my explanations in the previous parts and reality people are seeing, it automatically shows their real actions and the answer.


In this Covid-19 outbreak which is rampant around the world and able to become a tragic pandemic in the near future, people with ‘Cruel Blindness And Muteness’ can become a ‘deadly chain’ in The Infection Network one day.


Is this Covid-19 the last chance to treat them?


This question will be answered by themselves, of course!


Do you remember this:


My affirmation was given to the public on my site (

in November 2019



I had affirmed it around one month before the Coronavirus Plague came in late December 2019.

Many of them (Governments, medical authorities, Tech companies, artists, religious leaders, CEOs, and other individuals all over the world) knew it.


Now, what can you and they do for yourself and for others in order to prepare for something coming up?



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1 Read chapter 4-Part 2 please

2 Please read chapter 4-part 2

3 Source:

4 All of its versions are downloaded here:

5  Read all of my letters about solving fake news here:

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