- PART 1: The Most Deadliest Mistakes of Medicine And Governments
- PART 2: The First Vaccine For The Covid-19 And All The Most Fatal Pandemics
- PART 3: Moral Ingredients That Make Prejudice Vaccine
- PART 4: “Treat Infected People As If You Were Infected”
- PART 5: The Third ‘Pandemic’
- PART 6: Covid-19: The Last Chance To Treat People With ‘Cruel Blindness And Muteness’?
- PART 7: Passover Decals And The Second Deadliest Mistake Of Medicine As Well As Governments
- PART 8: 12 Times The World Did What I Had Affirmed
(Please download the ebook to read it in its entirety or continue reading below)

Like HIV, The World Lost To COVID-19 From The Beginning
“Without This Special Type of Vaccine, Medicine Is Half-Failed In Curing Humans”
~Khuong Dat Long~
Without these moral ingredients, people CANNOT SOLVE Inhuman Prejudices and Discrimination - especially Discrimination between Sick (Infected) People and Healthy (Uninfected) Ones - which are currently causing larger and more fatal Covid-19 transmission.
And the moral ingredients are:
I. Trust Your Own Beauty, Talent and Take 100% Responsibility II. Overcome All Bad Feelings and Never Accept Being Ugly And Untalented III. Separate Health From Beauty IV. Pursue The Truth, In And Outside. V. Make Beauty-Talent Increase Your Worthiness VI. Do Destroy ‘Eyes of Prejudices’ VII. DO USE GOD'S BEAUTY-TALENT-ROOT TRUTH TO LIVE
Look at the full form of these beauty commandments:
1. Trust Your Own Beauty and Talent. Take 100% Responsibility For Your Talent and Beauty (Decisions) 2. Overcome All Of Bad Feelings About Your Talent, Beauty And Make Changes Successively until You Feel Extremely Beautiful and Talented. Never Accept Being Ugly and Untalented 3. Separate Health From Beauty. No Matter How Your Health Is, You Are Always Beautiful. Take Care Of Your Invaluable Health Carefully. 4. Pursue Truth Both In And Outside. 5. Make Your Talent And Beauty Increase Your Worthiness. 6. Do Destroy ‘Eyes of Prejudices’ and Use ‘Humane Eyes’ To Look At Yourself And Others 7. DO USE GOD'S BEAUTY-TALENT-ROOT TRUTH TO LIVE.
In this ebook God’s 7 Beauty Commandments of mine (especially in chapters 1, 2, 3, 4), I explained and showed you the above commandments’ meanings, functions, benefits and how to apply them in life.
God’s 7 Beauty Commandments solve not only the severe problems of Beauty, Talent, Discrimination, Cyberbullying but also Disasters (such as Tsunami/Flood/Hurricane/House Fire) and Plagues (such as Covid-19 and HIV).
Now, these beauty commandments are also for solving the serious medical problem: Discrimination between Sick People and Healthy Ones!
God’s 7 Beauty Commandments are moral ingredients which make Prejudice Vaccine successfully!

New York Post reported that “Coronavirus vaccine could be ready in 18 months, WHO says”1
In those 18 months, this dangerous coronavirus will kill as many human lives as possible.
The disease has appeared in so many countries outside China.
When people try to hide their health statuses, try to avoid medical tests and escape from isolation because of cruel discrimination, this global epidemic will soon become a deadly pandemic.
God’7 Beauty Commandments – moral ingredients which are used to make Prejudice Vaccine – will answer to the question I mentioned in part 1 of this chapter:
How to both help other people and protect ourselves?
The Clear Answer
Please look at the full form of God’s 7 Beauty Commandments, especially pay attention to red words:
I. Trust Your Own Beauty and Talent. Take 100% Responsibility For Your Talent and Beauty (Decisions) II. Overcome All Of Bad Feelings About Your Talent, Beauty And Make Changes Successively until You Feel Extremely Beautiful and Talented. Never Accept Being Ugly and Untalented III. Separate Health From Beauty. No Matter How Your Health Is, You Are Always Beautiful. Take Care Of Your Invaluable Health Carefully. IV. Pursue Truth Both In And Outside. V. Make Your Talent And Beauty Increase Your Worthiness. VI. Do Destroy ‘Eyes of Prejudices’ and Use ‘Humane Eyes’ To Look At Yourself And Others VII. DO USE GOD'S BEAUTY-TALENT-ROOT TRUTH TO LIVE.
In a deadly plague like the Covid-19, if you want to protect yourself, help others and abolish Discrimination, you will have to:
Take Care Of Your Invaluable Health Carefully.
Do Destroy ‘Eyes of Prejudices’ and Use ‘Humane Eyes’ To Look At Yourself And Others
Just as I said in the previous part, "Medical vaccines and instructions are crucial, but Prevention (infection) during a raging epidemic is more important."
This is to be understood as:
ü To deal with a plague, like Covid-19 or HIV, you cannot help but follow very important medical instructions to protect yourself from infection.
o Example: (Covid-19) you must wear a medical facial mask, wash hands frequently, etc.
ü People need medical vaccines to prevent future infections.
ü However, until the medical vaccine is created successfully (that takes a long time) or in the worst case people can’t make any effective vaccine (like the case of HIV/AIDS), Prevention is always the most important. (including after vaccination, because Covid-19 is not the last disaster of mankind)
ü Prevention includes the following main tasks:
· Prevention recommendations as directed by WHO and health authorities
· Isolation or quarantine
· The Rule Zero Outbreak helps prevent the widespread spread of disease due to discrimination and provides good mental health for infected patients during treatment.
The third beauty commandment "Take Care Of Your Invaluable Health Carefully" and the sixth one "Do Destroy ‘Eyes of Prejudices’ and Use ‘Humane Eyes’ To Look At Yourself And Others”, which I first2 gave to the public in December 2015, covered the actions needed to prevent serious transmissions during this battle against Covid-19.
If you want to understand the remaining important thing, "DO USE GOD'S BEAUTY-TALENT-ROOT TRUTH TO LIVE" and know how to use the Prejudice Vaccine to overcome this plague and other pandemics, finish chapters in this ebook.
Under the special instructions of my God (The Trinity-Jesus), I gave these special commandments to the public in the first time in December 2015.
And now, the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic in February 2020 is automatically showing the immense power of these important beauty commandments in the medical wars against every disease and protecting the health of people around the world.
Infectious and Noninfectious Diseases, especially severe illness, make humans feel weak, sad, alone, abandoned, and even discriminated against, hopeless, depressed.
That’s why The Rule Zero Outbreak and the Prejudice Vaccine help us not only solve severe Discrimination but also have good treatments (good mental health).
Obviously, you cannot help others (especially suspected and infected people) in this novel Coronavirus epidemic without “Take Care Of Your Invaluable Health Carefully”.
By following important medical instructions that WHO and other medical organizations recommended, you can protect yourself from being infected.
Of course, there’re always some risks when you help these people.
Many doctors and nurses in Wuhan were also infected when treating patients. They did not care about themselves. What a heroic and noble act!
If you don’t help them and even discriminate against them, you will be able to kill yourself one day.
The infection network can explain that clearly.
The world is worried about a potential pandemic.
“Since last week, officials have reported rapid increases in COVID-19 cases in several countries, namely South Korea, Iran, and Italy. As of Monday, February 24, South Korea has confirmed 763 cases and 7 deaths—a dramatic rise from the 30 cases and zero deaths it had tallied just a week ago.
The situation in Italy, likewise, went from 3 cases at the start of last week to 124 confirmed cases and two deaths Monday. Iran went from zero to 43 cases in the same period and has reported eight deaths.” 3
Therefore, when you think that helping infected or suspected persons is so stupid and dangerous, always remember that: The Infection Network can make you pay a heavy price one day.

You cannot know, one day, you will be infected from people whom you discriminated against.
So, why you don’t protect yourself and "Do Destroy ‘Eyes of Prejudices’ and Use ‘Humane Eyes’ To Look At Yourself And Others”?
And if unfortunately, humans cannot find a medical vaccine for Covid-19, Prejudice Vaccine or Stigma Vaccine will surely be the last vaccine that we need.
1 Source:
2 Download and read here:
3 Source:
- PART 1: The Most Deadliest Mistakes of Medicine And Governments
- PART 2: The First Vaccine For The Covid-19 And All The Most Fatal Pandemics
- PART 3: Moral Ingredients That Make Prejudice Vaccine
- PART 4: “Treat Infected People As If You Were Infected”
- PART 5: The Third ‘Pandemic’
- PART 6: Covid-19: The Last Chance To Treat People With ‘Cruel Blindness And Muteness’?
- PART 7: Passover Decals And The Second Deadliest Mistake Of Medicine As Well As Governments
- PART 8: 12 Times The World Did What I Had Affirmed