Male or Female, a religiously affiliated person or an atheist, whatever your skin color is, do you feel afraid of discrimination (based on race/gender/etc...) at work, school? Do you even get angry when seeing the bad discriminate against you and other people? Do you really feel hurt because you feel incapable of combating the racist, sexist?
Even a country like The United States with most advanced sciences and technologies has been incapable of getting rid of discrimination!
Discrimination is a teaser that needs solving deeply. Discrimination can happen everywhere all over the world. Skin color, besides a matter of Beauty, can actually create the ugliest thing, Discrimination, even at the first time when someone looks at others.
Eyes of Prejudices don’t absolutely make anyone in the world become beautiful in- and outside. They, the most disgusting and ugliest eyes, even cause the worst thing: Racism. Racism is in strong connection with Beauty on the outside (skin color and physical features).
There’re a lot of people in the world who have had to suffer discrimination just because of their outside. That’s their everyday trauma (especially in their soul). That’s one of the reasons why we have to solve the most serious, annoying beauty problems. Beauty (in-outside) and Discrimination have an intimate relation. I don’t really need to describe how Discrimination is or its definition in this ebook. If you want, you can find information, explanations about them in various documents or sources on internet. I believe you may at least understand, have learnt something about it or even experienced it in your life. From November 2016 until now, do you think racism has been covering up USA? We were seeing demonstrators taking to the streets across the country overnight[1] to protest a man called “a racist and sexist” by a 22-year-old political science student in Berkeley. We were and still are beholding many objections or boycotts taking place directly or indirectly, noisily or silently. Actually, they were and are protesting not only one man but also one of the worst things to human beings: inhumane Discrimination.
Now, what all of us need is an ultimate solution for the problem. But first, we will find out structural, institutional discrimination definition
What is institutional/structural discrimination and what can you see from their meanings?
Institutionalized discrimination refers to "the unjust and discriminatory mistreatment of an individual or group of individuals by society and its institutions as a whole, through unequal selection or bias, intentional or unintentional; as opposed to individuals making a conscious choice to discriminate. It stems from systemic stereotypical beliefs (such as sexist or racist beliefs) that are held by the vast majority living in a society where stereotypes and discrimination are the norm" (wiki)
Plessy vs. Ferguson U.S. Supreme Court case is one of the most typical examples.
Women have been still paid less than men to the dollar, even though they have the same degree and experiences, this is another example.
What is structural discrimination?
Structural discrimination is "a form of institutional discrimination against individuals of a given race or gender, which has the effect of restricting their opportunities. It may be either intentional or unintentional, and it may involve either public or private institutional policies. Such discrimination occurs when these policies have disproportionately negative effects on the opportunities of certain social groups." (wiki)
One overt past example of structural discrimination, for example, was Jim Crow laws in the Southern United States, which were explicitly aimed at limiting African Americans' rights in education, employment, and other areas of society. (wiki)
No matter what the type of discrimination is, the most serious problem in our society has been causing many bad consequences.
Prejudice: an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge.
The biggest difference between prejudice and discrimination is: Discrimination is the unfair treatment of a group of people or a person while prejudice is an individual’s assumption about something or someone. Discrimination is considered an action, whereas prejudice is considered a thought.
Discrimination is based upon prejudice.
To make it easy to understand, we will need to analyse the teaser a bit:
- A person/a group/a community/etc acts superior and behaves badly towards others whose skin color-race/gender/etc are different. People who are discriminated against are ranked as inferior.
- That means there is a disparity/an unfairness
Billions of people all over the world were, are faced with the above serious problems. Many nations with their most advanced sciences and technologies have been incapable of getting rid of discrimination!

My Kisdel solutions, of course, make you beautiful not only outside but also inside!

I'm Khuong Dat Long, the author of the solution ebook "God's 7 Beauty Commandments: The Highest Peak of Human Beauty".
I'm here to help you (an individual) solve serious problems of Beauty & Discrimination that you can face in your life.
I'm also here to provide countries, especially America, with special solutions that can help those countries prepare and prevent worst consequences from happening. These worst consequences are caused by serious discrimination problems.
In fact, I have sent my both suggestions and warnings to U.S Government and involved people, but It looks as if they're not going to do anything neccessary to prevent horrible events from occuring in the future. At least more than 4 times people, especially Americans, saw my affirmations become Truths.
If the US had done what I had provided and suggested them, terrible events couldn't have occured.
And I know it well that: if people, especially Americans, do what my solutions suggests, they will absolutely have the best powers to protect themselves and prevent something bad or horrible from happening!
- Hate Speech and Discrimination (especially racial, institutional discrimination)A SIMPLE SOLUTION FOR (RACIAL) DISCRIMINATION THAT THE WORLD PROVED CORRECT AND TRUE
- How To Destroy “Eyes of Prejudices” and Vanquish Discrimination?How To Deeply Solve Discrimination Problems In The Wisest Way?
- Funny Racist Jokes, Hate Speech, Structural and Institutional Discrimination & SolutionDiscrimination is a teaser that needs solving deeply. Discrimination can happen everywhere all over the world. Skin color, besides a matter of Beauty, can actually create the ugliest thing, Discrimination, even at the first time when someone looks at others.