April 19, 2023
April 19, 2023
What is fake news and how to define disinformation?
By KhuongDatLong.com | |
The biggest Tech companies in the world Facebook, Google, Twitter, Amazon and Governments of many countries have been incapable of solving this problem of fake news. So, how can disinformation, fake news be solved to the every roots successfully?
Ride and Survive Mega Tsunami – One of The Deadliest Natural Disasters
By KhuongDatLong.com | |
The world, mankind have been surrendering to these waves of deaths millions of years. People always think that when being faced with a tsunami or mega tsunami, death is certainty. Until I successfully found a PROVEN Rescuing Way to Overcome that deadliest natural disaster on 20 January 2019!
How tsunami life saving network save grandmother 2 grandchildren?
By KhuongDatLong.com | |
To Science and Tech and people in the world: when tsunami or flood water levels are rising, they will face the death. To me: when tsunami or flood water levels are rising, people will even escape from the death easily! Please be patient to read each page and you’ll know this miracle way which God showed me!
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